Web Contact
please submit your web inquiries to:
1023 Steinmetz Hall
(352) 273-3911
For New Faculty Profiles:
Dr. Short requests that new faculty provide their profile information within two weeks of starting their position. The new faculty can be qued for the TBD slots under new faculty profile sliders.
Download Faculty Information Form
Web Request Form
- Broken Links:
Page with broken link: _______________________
example: http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/
Please consider attaching or embedding a screen capture in an email to the web manager.
How to Screen Capture: Mac | Windows
- Advertise an OPS job, postdoc, or graduate fellowship/assistantship
- Available Opportunity:
- Description:
- Contact:
- Location:
See http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/jobs/ for formatting.
- Real Talk, Real Problems:
Dr. Short will need to approve the request if web needs extend beyond broken links and program-specific t4 updates. Web requests that are program specific and not part of the Department’s infrastructure may require a fee depending on the complexity of the project and the time required by the webmaster to complete the project.
New page needed
Program name:____________________ Page location:_____________________________
New project request
Brief description of project: ______________________ ________________________ ________________________
Is funding available: ______________________