Funding your education can be challenging. The Entomology and Nematology Department is committed to helping you find scholarship opportunities and financial resources to fund research and travel to scientific meetings.
Domestic students can apply for Financial Aid in the form of government-subsidized student loans or grants.
Part-time jobs are frequently available in the labs of our faculty and at local research institutions such as USDA ARS CMAVE and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Opportunities may be paid or volunteer. Click here for available jobs. Please see below for specific opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students, and travel funding for meetings.
Undergraduate-Specific Scholarships
Majors, minors, and dual majors in one of six degree tracks are eligible for department scholarships. To be competitive for a scholarship, the student must participate in departmental and Entomology Club events, demonstrate good academic performance, exhibit leadership development, and participate in extracurricular activities.
Scholarship applications are due at the beginning of the fall semester. Applications are available: here.
Undergraduate scholarships typically range from $500 to $2,500. Grade point average, honors and awards, leadership experience, and involvement in extra-curricular activities are the principal evaluation criteria. The Entomology and Nematology Department does offer specially designated scholarships for certain degree specializations and for financial need.
Please contact Dr. Rebecca Baldwin with any questions at (352) 273-3974 or by email at
Graduate-Specific Opportunities
- Faculty-sponsored assistantships. Individual faculty will provide assistantships (stipend, tuition and health insurance, but not fees) to graduate students (thesis M.S. and Ph.D.) working on research sponsored by their grants or contracts. Research assistants are considered employees of the University of Florida. Students applying to our department for graduate school should contact faculty who are working in a research area that interests them to ask whether they have funding and will supervise their research and pay their assistantship.
- Departmental assistantships with specific duties. The Entomology and Nematology Department supports three graduate assistants with specific duties that benefit the entire department:
- Supervisory teaching assistant, who coordinates all teaching assistants for our introductory entomology lab class and also teaches a section each semester.
- Distance teaching assistant, who works with faculty teaching large-enrollment online courses. The assistant grades discussions, quizzes, insect collections, and other duties as requested by the faculty member(s).
- Outreach coordinator, who works with the outreach program to organize and recruit volunteers for departmental tours and outreach programs and arranges for care of the insect petting zoo.
- Current openings. The graduate coordinator or academic program assistant may know of faculty who have openings for graduate assistants.
- Graduate School Funding Awards. Reserved for outstanding Ph.D. applicants desiring fall admission only. Complete online Graduate School application, submit all required documents, and contact the Entomology and Nematology Department by January 15.
- FAMU Feeder fellowship. Application deadline usually February 15. Reserved for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have graduated from Florida A&M University and who have participated in the FAMU Feeder Scholar program.
- McKnight Doctoral fellowship. Application deadline is January 15. Reserved for U.S. citizens who are African-American or Hispanic.
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Usually due in November. Work with your proposed faculty advisor to write and apply for one of these fellowships.
- Other Fellowships
A number of scholarships, usually ranging from $500 to $2,000, are awarded from endowment funds provided by families, clubs and professional societies. Most of these, such as those awarded by the Agricultural Women’s Club, are awarded on the basis of scholarship and service to the department and community. Students must apply for these scholarships, and usually a letter from the advisor must be included in the application packet.
Departmental sources: Look for an email from the graduate coordinator calling for applications.
- Nan-Yao Su Scholarship. Awarded in fall semesters
- Mulrennan Award. Awarded in January for best dissertation and thesis in the calendar year
- Pauline Lawrence Award in Physiology. Awarded in spring semesters for students conducting research in biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, or toxicology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Check the website and look for emails from the College.
Professional Societies
- Florida Entomological Society. Scholarship for $500. Students must be FES members. Join here.
- Entomological Society of America and sections. Some of these awards must be submitted by the graduate coordinator, one award per department. Please check the eligibility guidelines and application procedures. In most cases, the student must be a member of the Entomological Society of America. Join here.
- International Union for the Study of Social Insects Jeffrey P. LaFage Graduate Student Research Award
- Shripat Kamble Urban Entomology Graduate Student Award for Innovative Research*
- Plant-Insect Ecosystems Master’s Student Achievement in Entomology Award
- Kenneth and Barbara Starks Plant Resistance to Insects Graduate Student Award
- Student Certification Award (sponsored by PestWest Environmental Science)
- John Henry Comstock Graduate Student Awards
- The Larry Larson Graduate Student Award for Leadership in Applied Entomology
- Student Activity Award (sponsored by Monsanto Company)
Travel Funds for Scientific Meetings
Funds to help defray the costs of attending a scientific meeting are offered by various sources. Some sources require a match of funds from your advisor or the department. Most sources require that the student be presenting their research at the conference. Always be sure to submit the travel authorization form to the Entomology and Nematology business office at least one month prior to travel, and the travel reimbursement form as soon as possible after return from the meeting.
The department will match CALS or UF Research and Graduate Programs travel awards with required departmental matching, up to $250 per year per student, if funds allow. Students should approach their advisors first for matching funds and then the department. At the time of the travel authorization request, students should indicate that they are receiving funding from a source that requires a match. Linda Pedersen in the business office will take care of the details once the travel reimbursement form has been turned in, after the travel has been completed.
For undergraduate entomology majors and minors, please contact the undergraduate coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Baldwin for travel grant information. Travel grant funds may be used to present student research at a scientific meeting or to study abroad in an entomological field.
The Entomology and Nematology Student Organization (ENSO) Student Travel Grants are provided on a competitive basis to students. These reimbursement-based grants will be used to cover travel-related expenses for presenting research or participating in career-development activities at a professional conference or meeting. Reimbursement will cover conference registration, transportation and lodging. Reimbursement will not cover food, entertainment or purchases made on department P-cards. One grant will be awarded each semester to qualifying ENSO members. The maximum grant is $250.
All applicants must be a graduate student in the University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Department, and therefore a member of ENSO. The ENSO faculty advisors and officers will review all applications and select grantees. If an ENSO officer applies for the ENSO Student Travel Grant, he or she will not be eligible to review applications or select grantees. The same applies to ENSO faculty advisors that have a student who applies for the ENSO Student Travel Grant. The following priorities will be considered when selecting grantees:
- Students who are giving their first oral or poster presentation.
- Students who are presenting just prior to graduation.
- Students who are traveling internationally or to domestic locations greater than 500 miles away, as opposed to regional or national meetings held in Florida.
- Students who are receiving less support.
See website for application details and deadlines:
IFAS/CALS Graduate Student Travel Grant
The IFAS/CALS Graduate Student Travel Grant Program provides matching funds of up to $200 to each graduate student applicant who is presenting a paper or poster on their original research at a regional, national or international scientific meeting (one award per fiscal year). This travel grant must be matched 1:1 by funds provided through the student's department/program or advisor. The grants are reimbursed directly to the department, not the graduate student. Check the application deadlines carefully.
James Davidson Graduate Travel Scholarship
The purpose of these scholarships is to provide funding to help defray travel expenses for graduate students presenting a paper or poster at a national or international professional meeting or conference. These scholarships are named after Dr. James M. Davidson, former Vice President for UF/IFAS Agriculture and Natural Resources, who established the endowment to fund these scholarships. Applications are due in the graduate coordinator’s office one week before the college deadline so that requests can be ranked before submission to the college.
Travel to conferences, symposia and special research opportunities are essential for the professional development of advanced research students. The University also benefits by being represented at such events. The Office of Research and Graduate Programs (RGP) has therefore established a program to supplement student travel when other funding sources are insufficient. Guidelines for travel funding cap awards at $400 per trip and require 1:1 matching funds from the department and/or college. These funds are primarily for assistance with the cost of travel, particularly airfare. These grants are one-time awards to graduate students. The Office of Research and Graduate Programs cannot provide any retroactive reimbursements. Priority is given to Ph.D. students who have passed their qualifying exam. A PDF application is available at
Graduate Student Council
The Graduate Student Council will award up to $350 with no requirement for a match from the department or your advisor. See website for details and deadlines:
The Florida Entomological Society (FES) offers travel grants to attend the FES annual meeting each year. Occasionally, there are funds left over to fund travel to the Entomological Society of America meeting. No match is required, but students must be members of the Florida Entomological Society and will receive notice of availability of funds from the chair of the FES Student Activities Committee.