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Entomology And Nematology Department

Entomology And Nematology Department

Biological Control

The UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department is committed to developing and implementing biological control programs in urban and agricultural landscapes as well as natural areas and aquatic ecosystems in order to provide educational opportunities for future biological control specialists. We recognize the need to support a rapidly changing and diverse agricultural economy, and to provide insect and nematode management within the context of increasing urbanization.

The department has a highly qualified team of biological control specialists. We have established critical program components, such as quarantine facilities that allow importation and evaluation of exotic biocontrol agents. We have instituted procedures and agreements with other agencies and nations that allow importation of beneficial organisms. Agreements with private companies allow rapid commercialization of biological control products.

Additional resources and personnel are available at United States Department of Agriculture and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services facilities in Gainesville. Research opportunities exist at the main campus in Gainesville, at several UF/IFAS Research and Education Centers throughout Florida, and abroad.


The faculty members listed below have a strong research focus in this area. Click on the names below to learn more about their research programs.

  • Norm Leppla Integrated Pest Management, Biological Control, Professor and IPM Coordinator
  • Carey Minteer  Weed Biological Control, Associate Professor
  • Lance Osborne Biological Control, Vegetable Insect Integrated Pest Management, Professor
  • Nicole F. Quinn Biological Control, Assistant Professor