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Entomology and Nematology Department

Entomology and Nematology Department

Dr. Tae Young Lee

Assistant Instructional Professor
Urban Entomology

Urban pests display complex biology that both allow them to infest hostile indoor environments that are uninhabitable for most insect species. My roles are to teach urban entomology courses that 1) introduce students to biology, behavior, and identification of urban pests and 2) explain the specialized management plans developed for urban pests based on their biology. My roles are also to advise students with interests in urban-entomology-related careers and to provide opportunities to practice urban pest management for certification needs. Ultimately, I wish to provide students with appreciation for the field of urban entomology.

Previously, I have conducted research on subterranean termite behavior, with a focus on whether a chemical communication cue is attractive or arrestive. I have also conducted research on mosquito repellents electrophysiology experiments on AeTRPA1 channel. At my previous institutions, I was involved in teaching of various courses, such as medical and veterinary entomology,  insect taxonomy, insect physiology, general entomology, and urban entomology.

a photo of Dr. Tae Young Lee


1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-3953

  • Teaching

    My goal is to develop interactive learning tools for the urban entomology distance education. To combat the challenges of distance education, I plan to develop interactive online lectures and laboratory exercises that utilize effective graphics and videos, as done in scientific documentaries. In conjunction with other distance education tools, I wish to better capture students' interest and spark their curiosity in urban entomology.

    Courses I will teach include:

    • ENY 3222C/5223C: Biology & Identification of Urban Pests
    • ENY 3225C/5226C: Principles of Urban Pest Management
    • ENY 4230: Urban Pest Management Internship
  • Education
    • B.S.E.S. Entomology, University of Georgia, 2014 
    • M.S. Entomology, University of Georgia, 2017 
    • Ph.D. Entomology, The Ohio State University, 2022