Dr. Ameya Gondhalekar
Sapp Associate Professor
Urban Entomology
Ameya Gondhalekar is a broadly trained urban and structural entomologist with >10 years of experience in this field. Research in his lab mainly focuses on pests of the built environment. Satisfactory control of pests such as ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, filth flies, termites etc., is of foremost importance for mitigating the economic and human health problems that they pose. However, various factors preclude satisfactory control of urban pests. One of these factors is overreliance on a chemical-based pest management approach, which can lead to insecticide resistance evolution in certain pests and pesticide residue accumulation in and around built environments.
The research focus of Dr. Gondhalekar's lab in the subject areas of (i) Urban Insect Toxicology, (ii) Urban Insect Physiology and (iii) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) addresses key issues that can impede control of pests in indoor environments. The long-term goals of his research program include integrating basic and applied research to (a) find solutions for overcoming factors that prevent successful control of urban pests and (b) promote the use of alternative and non-chemical pest management tactics by determining their physiological impacts or mode-of-action on urban pests.
Bldg. 1278 (Urban Entomology)
Room #002
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-1530
- Ph.D. in Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2011
- M.S. in Entomology, MPKV University, Pune, India, 2005
- B.S. in Agricultural Sciences, BSKKV University, Dapoli, India, 2003
- Publications
Extension/Trade Journal Publications:
- Wang C, Cooper R, Vail K, Gondhalekar AD and Gouge DH. 2022. Pandemic pests. Pest Control Technology 50(10): 64-65, 68, 70-71.
- Erasmus M and Gondhalekar AD (2021), Poultry Parasites: Bed Bugs. Poultry Extension Collaborative Newsletter. June 2021: 15. https://www.poultry-welfare-extension.com/uploads/2/5/6/3/25631086/pec_newsletter_vol_15.pdf
- Ashbrook A, Gondhalekar AD, Scharf ME and Bennett GW, (2020), Can bed bugs develop thermal tolerance? Pest Control Technology. 48: September 2020.
- Ashbrook A, Gondhalekar AD and Bennett GW, (2018), How can IPM help prevent insecticide resistance? Pest Control Technology. June 2018, Issue No. 46. (Also published in the “Pest” magazine in the United Kingdom).
- Gibb TJ, Gondhalekar AD and Gibb TT, (2015), The true cost of a bed bug infestation. Pest Management Professional Magazine. 83: 54–55.
- Wang C, Saltzmann KD, Gondhalekar AD, Gibb TJ and Bennett GW, (2014), Building-wide bed bug management. Pest Control Technology. 42: 70–74.
- Gondhalekar AD and Scharf ME, (2013), Preventing resistance to bait products. Pest Control Technology. 41: 42–47.
Previous academic and professional appointments
- 2020–2025 Research Associate Professor & Product Research Manager, Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management, Dept. of Entomology, Purdue University
- 2013–2020 Research Assistant Professor & Product Research Manager, Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management, Dept. of Entomology, Purdue University
- 2011–2012 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Entomology, Purdue University
- 2005 –2006 Project Assistant, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India