Honey Bee Husbandry
We work to improve managed honey bee health and the pollination services honey bees provide by conducting research projects focused on honey bee colony disease/pest management, nutrition, queen health, African honey bees, and pollination ecology, and honey production.
Current Projects
- Honey bee pests: Varroa, small hive beetles, wax moths, Tropilaelaps, Vespa velutina
- Honey bee pathogens: chalkbrood, viruses, Nosema, European foulbrood, Malpighamoeba mellificae
- General honey bee management projects: nutrition, probiotics, queen stocks
- African honey bee molecular markers
Guide to HBREL Research
Honey bee husbandry concerns research related to keeping honey bee colonies healthy and productive. We also have two other major research themes in our laboratory. Be sure to check those out when you finish browsing this page.