For Professionals
Florida Whitefly has an online, interactive e-learning module available for landscape professionals entitled "Invasive Whitefly Pests of Florida". A quiz is available to take at the end of the module. A score of 70% or better on the quiz earns the user one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Division of Agricultural Environmental Service for the Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control in one of the following categories: Limited Lawn and Ornamental, Limited Landscape Maintenance, or Commercial Lawn and Ornamental.
There is no charge for taking this module, however, in order to take the module you need to create an account. Once you login, you can choose to take the whitefly module and then the quiz. The paperwork to turn in for the CEU is available to download under the Certificates tab in the upper right hand corner of the module website (part 2). A certificate of completion is also available (part 1).
When you have sucessfully completed the module, your name, as well as your company's name and county, will be given to Pest Management University. They are maintaining a public list of landscape professionals who have received training on Florida whitefly issues. They will use the names as they appear when you create the account, so be sure that your name and your company's name is complete (and capitalized where appropriate). This list will be updated weekly. The only county listed on the PMU website will be the one you provide when you take the whitefly training module.
Directions for creating an account and for taking the module are found at the link below:
If you wish to take the whitefly training module for CEUs for a different state or organization, please contact us if additional paperwork is required.