Dr. Amanda C. Hodges
Extension Scientist
Director, Doctor of Plant Medicine
Dr. Amanda Hodges is the director of the Doctor of Plant Medicine program at the University of Florida. Dr. Hodges specializes in invasive species and biosecurity.
Grants and Contracts (total value of projects: ~$9.1 million)
- Principal Investigator-Value: $4.3 Million
- Co-Principal Investigator-Value: $4.8 Million
Dr. Amanda Hodges has authored or co-authored over 100 extension publications related to arthropod diagnostics and invasive species. During the 2012 meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Dr. Hodges was presented with the Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension. Specifically, Dr. Hodges is known for delivering innovative, hands-on plant pest diagnostic workshops in Florida, the southern region of the U.S., and the Caribbean. Dr. Hodges currently coordinates the Florida First Detector project (http://www.flfirstdetector.org/) and a plant biosecurity program related to youth and consumer outreach.
- Director of the Doctor of Plant Medicine Program and the link (Doctor of Plant Medicine Program - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - UF/IFAS (ufl.edu)
- Integrated Plant Medicine, ALS 6925
- Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management, ALS 6942
- Colloquium of Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance, ALS 6921
- Challenges in Plant Resource Protection, ALS 4163
- Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management, ALS 6943
The Biosecurity Research & Extension (BRE) lab focuses on investigating invasive, arthropod species of potential concern to Florida's landscape, natural areas, and agriculture. The BRE lab creates a variety of extension pest diagnostic guides, fact sheets, and e-learning modules. Educational materials produced by the BRE lab are Florida, southern regional, or national in scope, depending upon the project's purpose and funding source. Additionally, BRE research is translated into extension workshops and publications for Florida clientele.
Steinmetz Hall
1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-3957
(50% Teaching, 30% Research, 20% Extension)
- Ph.D., Entomology, University of Georgia, 2002
- B.S., Biology, University of Georgia, 1997
Employment History
- Extension Scientist & DPM Program Director, (2021-current), University of Florida
- Associate Extension Scientist & Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM) Program Director, (2012-2021), University of Florida
- Associate Extension Scientist, Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM) Program Director, & Interim Co-Associate Director of the Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN) (2012-2013), University of Florida
- Assistant Extension Scientist & Co-Associate Director of the Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN) (2003-2012), University of Florida
- EDIS Publications
Extension Books, Booklets, Apps, and Online Resources
- Arthurs, S., A. Hodges, and J. Xin. (eds.). (2014). Landscape Pests. UF, Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology, UF/IFAS Office of Information Technology, National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) First Detector Program, Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN) Regional Center, Protect U.S., the Community Invasive Species Network, UF/IFAS Distance Diagnostics and Identification System (DDIS), UF/IFAS Department of Entomology and Nematology, and UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center. 268 fact sheets and topics. Mobile Website available at: http://pest.ifas.ufl.edu/ (7 January 2015).
- Brar, G. S., C. Burkle, A. Minott, N. Kooram, and A. Hodges. (2013). Citrus pests and diseases. Department of Entomology and Nematology, Protect U.S., University of Florida/IFAS (Mobile app and website)
- Florida Whitefly Website Co-Author, http://flwhitefly.org/
- Guerrero, S., J. Weeks, A. Hodges, K. Martin, and N. Leppla. June 2012. Citrus Pests. Department of Entomology, University of Florida and Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, CO.http://idtools.org/id/citrus/pests (24 June 2012).
- Guerrero, S., J. Weeks, A. Hodges, K. Martin, and N. Leppla. (2013). CPests Apple and Android Application for Citrus Pests. Hodges, A.C. project release and revision coordinator. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida and Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, CO.http://idtools.org/id/citrus/pests (7 July 2015).
- Hodges, A. (2017). University of Florida, Plant Protection Website (http://ufplantprotection.org/). Approximately 160 instructive taxonomic video segments have been produced and are publicly available on the associated YouTube channel.
- Hodges, A.C., S.D. Stocks, and L. Whilby. (2012). Collaborative and Enhanced First Detector Training for Florida. http://www.flfirstdetector.org/ (7 July 2015).
- Hodges, A.C., S.D. Stocks, S. Ratcliffe, and M. Draper. (2010). Protect U.S., Community Invasive Species Network. http://flwhitefly.org/ (7 July 2015).
- Hodges, A., E. Buss, and R. Mizell. June 2006. UF/IFAS Extension for sale publication. Insect galls of Florida. 130 pgs.
- Hodges A, G. Hodges, L. Buss and L. Osborne. 2008. Mealybugs and mealybug look-alikes of the Southeastern United States. North Central IPM Center. 40 species included.
- Hodges, A., S. Ludwig, L. Osborne, and G.B. Edwards. 2009. Extension Booklet. USDA-CSREES IPM Centers. Pest Thrips of the United States: Field Identification Guide.
- Penca, C., Hodges, L. Whilby, S. Stocks, and J. Hamel. 2017. Identification Guide to Florida’s Invasive Plant Pests. UF-IFAS for sale publication SP 537. 112 pages.
- Pinkerton, M., B. Whitman, J. Carr, N. Casuso, and A. Hodges. 2018. Exotic oak pests and pathogens of the southeastern U.S. UF/IFAS for sale publication. 90pgs.
- Poplin, A., J. Eger, and A. Hodges. 2015. Identifying Stink Bugs and Similar True Bugs of Florida. UF/IFAS for sale publication. 74pgs.
- Redford, A.J., T.W. Walters, A.C. Hodges, F.W. Howard, and M.D. Trice. 2010. Screening Aid to Pests. In A Resource for Pests and Diseases of Cultivated Palms. Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, CO.http://itp.lucidcentral.org/id/palms/sap/index.html (24 June 2012).
- Serrano, D., Serrano, E. and Dewdney, M. (2013). CDiseases Apple and Android Application for Citrus Diseases. Hodges, A.C. project release and revision coordinator. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida and Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, CO.http://idtools.org/id/citrus/diseases (7 July 2015).
- UF/IFAS EDIS publications, review the author search list available at: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/experts/achodges
- UF/IFAS Pest Alert Blog, http://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/pestalert/
Selected Refereed Publications
- Eger, Jr. J.E., A. J. Pitcher, S.E. Halbert, C. Penca., and A.C. Hodges. 2020. First report of Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plataspidae) in the United States. Insecta Mundi. 0814: 1-6.
- Grabarczyk, E.E., D.A. Olson, P.G. Tillman, A.C. Hodges, G. Hodges, D.L. Horton, and T.E. Cottrell. 2021. Spatiotemporal distribution of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in peach orchards and surrounding habitat. Florida Entomologist. 104(1): 27-35.
- Pinkerton, M., C. Frey, S. Thompson, and A. Hodges. 2021. Expanding the Curricula for Florida’s Youth: Outreach Efforts in Agricultural Literacy. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 12(1), 21, https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmab016.
- Penca, C., A.C. Hodges, N.C. Leppla, and T. Cottrell. 2021. Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Development of Sequential Sampling Plans for Heteropteran-Associated Fruit Injury in Florida Peaches. Journal of Economic Entomology. toab106, https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab106
- Pinkerton, M.G., S.M. Thompson, A.C. Hodges, N.C. Leppla, and J.C. Palumbo. 2020. Laboratory rearing of Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) under quarantine conditions in Florida. 103(3), 3pgs.
- Penca, C. , A.C. Hodges, N.C. Leppla, and T.E. Cottrell. 2020. Trap-based economic injury levels and thresholds for Euschistus servus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Florida peach orchards. 2020. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113(3): 1347-1355.
- Khadka, A. , A.C. Hodges, N.C. Leppla, and P.G. Tillman. 2020. The effects of relative humidity on Halyomorpha halys Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Egg Hatch, Nymph Survival and Adult Reproduction. Florida Entomologist. 103:136-138.
- Awad, J., A. Hodges, S. Hight, M. Srivastava, A. Howe, and E. Rohrig. 2019. Laboratory rearing and sex ratio of Apanteles opuntiarum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a potential biocontrol agent of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida Entomologist. 102(1): 216-221.
- Pinkerton, M.G., S.M. Thompson, N.A. Casuso, A.C. Hodges, and N.C. Leppla. 2019. Engaging Florida’s youth to increase their knowledge of invasive species and plant biosecurity. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 10(1): 1, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmy019.
- Penca, C. and A. Hodges. 2018. First report of the brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) reproduction and localized establishment in Florida. Florida Entomologist. 101(4): 708-712.
- Espinoza-Lozano, L. S. Guerrero, L.S. Osborne, N.C. Leppla, A.C. Hodges, and M.C. Guiurcanu. 2018. Alternatives to a synthetic pyrethroid for controlling Madeira mealybug on coleus cutting. Florida Entomologist. 101(3): 1-6.
- Penca, C. and A.C. Hodges. 2017. Pyriproxyfen treatment terminates Halyomorpha halys reproductive diapause, with an indirect mortality effect on its egg parasitoid Trissolcus japonicus. Journal of Pest Science. 90: 1269-1276. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0882-8.
- Stubbs, E.A., C.C. Burkle, A.C. Hodges, B.E. Myers, L. Whilby, A. Poplin, R. Hoenisch, R. McCarthy, and C. Harmon. 2017. Increasing invasive plant pest early detection through interagency first detector education. 55(3), Article 3IB1.
- Penca, C., A.C. Hodges, L. L. Davis, N.C. Leppla, and R.C. Hochmuth. 2017. Abundance and diversity of beneficial and pest arthropods in buckwheat on blueberry and vegetable farms in north Florida. Florida Entomologist. 100(1): 186-189.
- Medal, J., T. Smith, A. Fox, A. Santa Cruz, A. Poplin, and A. Hodges. 2012. Rearing the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Florida Entomologist. 95(3): 800-802.
- Hodges, A.C. 2011. Digital identification and diagnostics using the platforms of SPDN/NPDN/CPDN: Progress and opportunities. American Entomologist. 57(4): 231- 233.
- Gillett-Kaufman, J.L., N.C. Leppla, A.C. Hodges, and J.L. Merritt. 2009. Education and Training to Increase Adoption of IPM for Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Florida Entomologist 92 (1): 18-23.
- Hodges, G.S., A.C. Hodges, and C.M. Unruh. 2008. A new exotic pest for Florida's natural areas: Crypticerya genitsae (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). Florida Entomologist. 91: 335-337.
- Hodges, G., S.J. Suh, and A.C. Hodges. 2007. Notes on the longan scale,Thysanofiorinia nephelii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae) in Florida. Fl. 90: 407-409.
- Hodges, A. and G. Hodges. 2006. Pink hibiscus mealybug identification. Plant Health Progress. Doi: 10.1094/PHP-2006-0414-01-DG.
- Jenkins, D., T. Cottrell, D. Horton, A. Hodges, and G. Hodges. 2006. Hosts of plum curculio, Contrachelus nenuphar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in central Georgia. Environ. Entomol. 35: 48-55.
- Hodges, A. C. and G. C. Wisler. 2005. The importance of taxonomic training to the early detection of exotic pests in the order Hemiptera (Auchenorrhycha, Sternorrhycha). Fl. Entomol. 88: 458-463.
- Hodges, G., and A. Hodges. 2004. New invasive species of mealybugs, Palmicultor lumpurensis and Chaetococcus bambusae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae) on bamboo in Florida. Fl. Entomol. 87(3): 396-397.
- Hodges, A. C., G. S. Hodges, and K. E. Espelie. 2003. Parasitoids and parasites of Polistes metricus Say (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Northeast Georgia. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 96: 61-64.
- Hodges, A. C. and G. S. Hodges. 2000. Notes on members of the Vespidae foraging on honeydew secretions from the European fruit Lecanium, Parthenolecanium corni(Bouche). J. Entomol. Sci. 36(3): 312-314.
Program Overview
Dr. Amanda Hodges serves as the Director of the interdisciplinary Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM) program http://dpm.ifas.ufl.edu/.
As the DPM Director, Dr. Hodges is the primary faculty point-of-contact for prospective students, coordinates the DPM faculty advisory committee, coordinates public relations components, interfaces with external stakeholders, provides instruction for some DPM-specific courses, reviews all program of study documents, prepares annual reports, supervises and edits the DPM Newsletter (DPM News), supervises the production of promotional videos on the YouTube channel and the overall social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, supervises the DPM Academic Advisor, and completes other administrative tasks as issues arise.
Dr. Amanda Hodges is also the leader for the University of Florida, Biosecurity Research and Extension Laboratory. Her research and extension interests focus on invasive arthropod species of potential concern to Florida’s landscape, natural areas, and agriculture. The research and extension activities of Dr. Hodges are supported primarily through external grants and contracts. Currently, Dr. Hodges primarily accepts graduate students enrolled or co-enrolled in the DPM Program in her laboratory.
Professional Activities
- Entomological Society of America, 1996-present
- Florida Entomological Society, 2003-present
Graduated Students during tenure as Graduate Student Committee Chair
Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM)
- Abigial Prohofsky, 2024
- Shannon McAmis, Co-Chair, 2023
- Andy Jean-Louis, 2023
- Jenny Gavilanez-Slone, 2023
- Hannah Talton, 2022
- Clayton Bania, 2022
- Keir Hamilton, 2021
- Morgan Pinkerton, 2020
- Sage Thompson, 2020
- Arjun Khadka, 2019
- Ariane McCorquodale, 2019
- Cory Penca, 2019
- Carla Burkle, 2014
- Cory Penca, 2019
Master’s Thesis
- Sarah Birkmire, 2022
- Cleveland Ivey, 2020
- Jessica Awad, 2020
- Sage Thompson, 2020
- Arjun Khadka, 2018
- Eric LeVeen, 2015
- Sarahlynne Guerrero, 2014
- Ashley Poplin, 2013
Master’s Non-Thesis
- Ariane McCorquodale, 2018
Paula Kelly, 2014
Committee Service
Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM)
- Julia Rycyna, 2023
- Brianna Whitman, 2021
- Alexandor Gannon, 2020
- Ploy Kurdmongkoltham, 2019
- James Betts, 2018
- Bruce Stripling, 2018
- Blaire Colvin, 2018
- Keumchul Shin, 2016
- Kelly Carruthers, 2022
- Siavash Taravati, 2015
- Jodi White, 2012
Master’s Thesis
- Luke Brendel, 2022
- Alexandor Gannon, 2019
- John Leavengood, 2008
Master’s Non-Thesis
- Lisa Rodriguez, 2022