Identification keys for Florida Tenebrionidae

Diagnostic keys are presented here as PDF formatted files, as well as their HTML versions (being developed). Formatting web pages is a challenging task, and in anticipation of needing these keys for identification we present the PDF versions first. HTML versions will be made available as soon as possible. Page references in these PDF files refer to a single MS WORD document. These species keys were modified for Florida. They will also work for other regions in the eastern U.S., but some eastern species have not been included yet.

Subfamily key (PDF) - for all Tenebrionidae covered here

The following subfamily keys for covered species are availabe now as PDF file (more to come)

| s.f. Lagriinae | s.f. Phrenaptinae | s.f. Pimeliinae | s.f. Bolitophaginae | s.f. Diaperinae

s.f. Hypophloeinae| s.f. Opatrinae | s.f. Tenebrioninae | s.f. Alleculinae | s.f. Coelometopinae |


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University of Florida Entomology and Entomology Dept. | Florida State Collection of Arthropods