Monday, April 4, 2016
Past and Current Situation
- Current World Status of Old World Bollworm
- Brazil experience with OWB and Zea
- Zea in the US
- Mexico
Old World Bollworm: Protection Presentations
- Pathways into the US
- Identification issues at the border
- Preclearance and Offshore
Old World Bollworm: Detection Presentations
- Pheromone research
- CAPS surveys
- Identification-morphological
- Identification Molecular
- World movement and detection efforts
Old World Bollworm: Response and Mitigation Presentations
- Puerto Rico
- Florida
Old World Bollworm: Recovery Presentations
- IPM in Brazil
- Current IPM Management Heliothine Complex across commodities and regions (SE, Central, West, NE)
- OWB resistance management worldwide and genetic implications
- Resistance Detection and monitoring Zea in major commodities and specialty crops
- Economic Analysis
- Simulation modeling
Overview of ongoing and funded OWB projects (pheromone, colony, diagnostics, identification survey)
Close for the Day
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Review of previous day's information/ Introduce Breakout sessions
Process: 6 groups will form into the following breakout groups:
- Protection
- Detection
- Response
- Recovery (includes exit strategy)
- Economic Impact (what are most important areas of study- who is going to do the work)
- Resistance Management and Current Practices
- Commodity
- Federal, State, University, International Roles?
- Gather generalized practices
Outcome- outlined document for a portion of the strategic response plan
3:00 PM Close for the Day—A tour of the Florida Department of Plant Industries (FL-DPI) facilities.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Review of previous day's information
Report-outs by groups
Process: The leads will report out on the information from their groups. The participants will then provide feedback, suggestions, corrections, and comments that will be captured by the note takers.
An outline, created with input from all of the participants, for the response plan.
Post meeting actions
Process: Discuss the steps needed to move forward with writing, completing and distributing the plan for review.
Adjourn Meeting--Reception