ABOVE: Harlequin bug, Murgantia histrionica, freshly hatched. Photo by Jenny Carr.
Dr. Hoy was a pioneer in insect molecular genetics, in particular as it applied to biological control and agricultural acarology. Her book, Insect Molecular Genetics, is considered a classic. Her publication list is lengthy, at least 159 peer-reviewed articles and 53 book chapters and books. Her work is frequently cited, by some estimates, 12,000 times. She was advisor and mentor to 12 MS and 15 Ph.D. students, as well as 20 postdocs, many of whom went on to successful academic careers. During her long and productive career, Dr. Hoy received many special recognitions and awards including the first female faculty member of the Department of Entomology, UC Berkeley (1976); Entomological Society of America Founders Memorial Award (1992); Fellow AAAS (1990). Marjorie was a knowledgeable and dynamic instructor, as well as an advocate for increasing diversity among students and academic hires in Entomology. A recent interview and article featuring Dr. Hoy’s illustrious career can be found at https://academic.oup.com/ae/article/65/3/158/5571419.
Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.-Vernard Lewis, UC Berkeley emeritus, Michael Haverty, retired USDA, & Blair Siegfried UF Entomology & Nematology Department Chair
Dear colleagues and friends,
The recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, tragic to their families and friends, have also sent waves of shock and anguish throughout our Entomology and Nematology community. We acknowledge the pain, anger, and exhaustion of our students, colleagues and acquaintances who navigate the daily reality of persistent, systemic, and institutionalized racism. Please join us in pledging your support for the people who cannot go about their daily activities without fear or discrimination, and who lack the freedoms that many of us take for granted as our basic rights as citizens. In particular, we want to express our support for minoritized colleagues and students within our Entomology and Nematology community, especially our Black colleagues at this time. We grieve with you, although many of us cannot fully understand what you are going through. Your contribution to science matters. Your voice in our department matters. Black Lives Matter. We, as a community, pledge to work together to confront instances of racism, bigotry and injustice in our department and at UF and to take a stronger and more deliberate approach to confronting these injustices than we have in the past. As a department, it is our duty to take action to ensure that we do not perpetuate a culture of silence. We will hold listening sessions, conduct a departmental climate survey, and provide resources and opportunities for training in bystander intervention and implicit bias. Our goals are to create a departmental climate where everyone of every identity is valued, respected, welcomed, and feels safe and supported to grow and develop as individuals and scientists, and to help our departmental members grow in their individual understanding of racism and how to take an active stand against bigotry. We welcome your input to the recently established Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion working group. Silence is not a solution. Please contact the working group in our department to get involved by emailing Heather McAuslane at hjmca@ufl.edu.
Dr. James P. Cuda was selected for inclusion in the 2020 edition of Who’s Who in the World.
Dr. Jiri Hulcr was selected as one of the recipients of the international 2020 Fulbright Scholar Program Award. With the funding, he will join a team of collaborators in Europe to study the impact of the massive outbreak of the Eurasian spruce beetle triggered by climate change. Good work Dr. Hulcr!
ABOVE: Dr. Oscar Liburd received the 2020 Recognition Award in Entomology from the Entomological Society of America southeastern branch. The award recognizes his research and extension contributions to agricultural pest management as well as his service to the society. Congratulations Oscar! UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones.
ABOVE: Dr. Carey Minteer, receives the "Outstanding Specialist of the Year" title from Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents! A huge congratulations Carey! Read the UF/IFAS blog here. UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones.
ABOVE: Dr. John Capinera holds his second edition Handbook of Vegetable Pests! First edition published in 2001, this second edition is an update adding about 50 or more entries of mostly new insects introduced in the last 20 years! Published by Academic Press, it is now available on Amazon.
ABOVE: Dr. Phil Kaufman and Dr. Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman are leaving UF at the end of June to join Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. Jennifer joined our department in January of 2005 and Phil joined in May of 2005. They met in the department and were married on July 4, 2008. Phil will be the head of the Texas A&M entomology department and Jennifer will be an instructional professor there. They both tremendously enjoyed their time as faculty members at UF and will miss the work family they have here.
Looking for professional development tips? Check out this new IFAS blog: Top 5 Virtual Career Resources for UF CALS Students.
Need to name that bug? A host of experts are available to help Floridians identify any insect or related arthropod. If a mystery creature has six or more legs, the UF Insect ID Lab is the place to call.
Who says aphids aren’t attractive? You can’t say that about the purple-spotted lily aphid, Macrosiphum lilii, here shown on an Easter lily. Thanks to Susan Halbert at FDACS, DPI, for loaning these aphids to Lyle to photograph!
ABOVE: Purple-spotted lily aphid, Macrosiphum lilii, here shown on an Easter lily. Photo by: Lyle Buss.
If you need insect images for a publication or presentation for your UF/IFAS Extension or teaching work, you can go to this direct link, pictures are copyrighted material and intended for official UF use only. Log onto the website using your Gatorlink credentials.
Lyle Buss is the UF/IFAS Insect ID Lab manager.
Think it might be a nematode problem? The Nematode Assay Laboratory serves Florida and other states by providing nematode assays and expert advice regarding nematode management.
For more information on the Nematode Assay Laboratory, please contact the lab manager Dr. Billy Crow.
Burrow J, and Diepenbrock L. 2020. Citrus Pest Quick Guide: Citrus Leafminer (ENY-2041). University of Florida, IFAS, EDIS, Gainesville.
Diepenbrock L, Ahmed M. 2020 First Report of Nipaecoccus viridis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) associated with citrus production in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 11(1):7; 1-4. DOI: 10.1093.jipm/pmaa004
Diepenbrock L, Burrow J. 2020. Citrus Pest Quick Guide: Brown Soft Scale (ENY-2039). University of Florida, IFAS, EDIS, Gainesville.
Diepenbrock L, Burrow J. 2019. Citrus Pest Quick Guide: Diaprepes Root Weevil (ENY-1000). University of Florida, IFAS, EDIS, Gainesville.
Diepenbrock L, Burrow J. 2020. Citrus Pest Quick Guide: Asian Citrus Psyllid (ENY-1004). University of Florida, IFAS, EDIS, Gainesville.
Emberts Z, St. Mary C, Howard C, Forthman M, Bateman B, Somjee U, Hwang W, Li D, Kimball R, Miller C. 2020. The evolution of autotomy in leaf-footed bugs. Evolution. 74: 897-910. Open Access link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/evo.13948
Martini X, Malfa K, Stelinski L, Iriarte F, Paret M. 2020. Distribution, phenology, and overwintering survival of Asian citrus psyllid in urban and grove habitats in north Florida. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113: 1080-1087.
Wilner D, Greenway G, Cirino L, Miller C. 2020. Long-term reproductive success is predicted by sexual behavior and impaired by temporary nutritional stress during sexual maturation. Behavioural Processes. 175: 104122. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0376635719305303
New on Featured Creatures:
Cranberry fruitworm, Acrobasis vaccinii Riley (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Authors: James Brown and Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman.
Tardigrades, water bears, Tardigrada (Spallanzani, 1777). Authors: Carrie Suen and Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman.
Asian bush mosquito, Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901). Authors: Catherine Lippi, Phillip Kaufman and Eva Buckner.
Common long-horned bee, Melissodes communis. Authors: Nicole Miller, Cameron Jack.
Do you have a favorite creature? Learn how to make it into a Featured Creatures!
Patricia Prade gave her Ph.d. Exit Seminar titled “The Biological Control of Brazilian Peppertree in Florida, USA” on June 17th. Congratulations Dr. Prade!
ABOVE: Lauren Cirino gives her Ph.D. Exit Seminar titled “Consequences of Environmental Heterogeneity on Reproductive Output in Narnia femorata.” The seminar was held virtually on June 18th. Photo curtesy of Haleigh Ray.
Rebecca Zimler gave her Ph.D. Exit Seminar titled "Emergence and Transmission Potential of Zika Virus by Invasive Mosquitoes from Florida and Puerto Rico" on June 24th.
No outreach reported this month. Please look at our announcements to see upcoming events!
The live critters are always a hit with children and adults alike. The critters are available for you to check out should you be leading an outreach event. We have doubles of our most popular critters, as well as various native insect species depending on the time of year. We have large wood and Plexiglas cages for viewing our native orb weaving spiders. There is one travel cage and one larger static cage. Please be sure to contact us and review the protocol on transporting and handling the critters if you are not already familiar with it. If you lead an outreach, be sure to fill out a documentation form so your event can be included in the newsletter and we can log all outreach events.
If you have any questions, please email me.
Thank you —Clayton Bania, Outreach Coordinator.
If you would like to schedule an event or have any outreach questions, go to the Outreach pages on our Bug Club website and contact us.
Getting social!
Use #UFBugs so our department can find and share your social posts easily!
The Annual UF BugFest Open House has been tentatively rescheduled for October 24th. The undergraduate Entomology Club sponsors this event that brings in 300 to 500 people to learn about the UF Entomology and Nematology Department each year.
The 11th annual summer UF Entomology Field Camp will be cancelled, and a virtual Bug Camp with family activities will be held instead (June 22 to 25). Bug Camp families will receive information from Dr. Rebecca Baldwin and the UF Education and Outreach Program. Bug Camp refunds are being issued through Eventbrite until June 14. Other Virtual Bug Camps are being offered through IFAS Extension, so please contact your local 4-H office for more details. For information about the 4-H Insectathon competition that will take place in January, please visit http://florida4h.org/programsandevents_/insectathon/. Families may begin the insect collection and art projects now for the competition in January.
Want to stay up to date? Check out our website home page for a link to our Google calendar.
Suzy Rodriguez is the newsletter editor and does the HTML coding. Issues usually are published by mid-month. Submit items for an issue by the seventh of that month.
We like to share news when it happens using our social media outlets: Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Follow us on these sites for daily updates! When you send news, we will post it on one or more of these sites and again in the monthly newsletter. Please be sure you have permission from people in photographs you submit for publication.
UF-Bugnews-L listserv subscribers receive notices when issues are posted. Our home page has instructions for subscribing and unsubscribing.
Special thanks to Eleanor Phillips and Nancy Sanders, and who reviewed the newsletter for errors, and to Jane Medley and Don Wasik, who built the web page design.
Give Back
Want to support the UF Entomology & Nematology Department? Consider making an online gift today! Questions can be directed to Christy Chiarelli at (352) 392-1975 or ccw@ufl.edu.