ABOVE: Dr. Rebecca Baldwin and Dr. Faith Oi at our booth where they discussed future careers in science with the top high school scholars in Florida at the 2015 Sunshine State Scholars banquet in Orlando.
Dr. Oscar Liburd's UF/IFAS Small Fruit and Vegetable IPM laboratory held a spotted wing drosophila (SWD) workshop at the Florida Blueberry Growers Association annual spring meeting on February 17th. The workshop focused on monitoring, identification and distribution of SWD throughout the state. Approximately 54 blueberry and fruit growers attended the workshop.
Dr. James P. Cuda and his weed biological control research program were featured in a recent UF/IFAS Research Discoveries webpage highlighting the FAES Undergraduate Research Summer Internship program.
Dr. John Capinera, stepped down at the end of February after 28 years as chair of the department. Dr. Heather McAuslane will serve as interim chair.
ABOVE: The 2015 Entomology and Nematology Undergraduate Scholarship Reception was held January 30, 2015. Here we have some of the recipients: (Top row, starting with the second person from the left) Zach Kaplan, Teddy Cogley, Keith Gerber, Heather Erskine, Sam Pass, Richie Konowal (Bottom row, from the left) Dr. Rebecca Baldwin, Stefani Harrison, Morgan Weldon, Gabriella Steele, and Ms. Ruth Brumbaugh. This ceremony invites the gracious scholarship donors to the department to meet the students impacted by their contributions. The attendees were able to enjoy punch and cake while watching a slideshow of student photos illustrating their involvement in the department. Thank you everyone who made this reception possible.
Need to name that bug? A host of experts are available to help Floridians identify any insect or related arthropod. If a mystery creature has six or more legs, the UF Insect ID Lab is the place to call.
ABOVE: One of the insects that is flying right now (besides the subterranean termites) is the varied carpet beetle. Since it is an indoor pest, it can actually be found any time of the year, but Lyle has seen several in his house and has received a couple samples of them lately. Their larvae can develop indoors on a variety of animal- and plant-based products, including woolen items, skins and furs, dead insects (watch out, entomologists with bug collections), spices, seeds, and cereal products. Adults can be found outdoors feeding on nectar and pollen at flowers.
Lyle Buss is the Insect ID Lab manager.
Think it might be a nematode problem? The Nematode Assay Laboratory serves Florida and other states by providing nematode assays and expert advice regarding nematode management.
For more information on the Nematode Assay Laboratory, please contact the lab manager Dr. Tesfa Mengistu.
Efstathion CA, Bardunias PM, Boyd JD, Kern WH. 2015. A push-pull integrated pest management scheme for preventing use of parrot nest boxes by invasive Africanized honey bees. Journal of Field Ornithology. 86: 65-72. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12089
Kostovik M, Bateman CC, Kolarik M, Stelinski LL, Jordal BH, Hulcr J. 2015. The ambrosia symbiosis is specific in some species and promiscuous in others: evidence from community pyrosequencing. The ISME Journal. 9: 126-138.
Lewis-Rosenblum H, Martini X, Tiwari S, Stelinski LL. 2015. Seasonal movement patterns and long-range dispersal of Asian citrus psyllid in Florida citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology. 108: 3-10.
Sourakov A. 2015. You are what you eat: Native versus exotic Crotalaria species (Fabaceae) as host plants of the ornate bella moth, Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Journal of Natural History. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1006700.
New on Featured Creatures:
Black scale, Saissetia oleae (Olivier). Authors: Morgan A. Byron, Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman, University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Department, and Sandra A. Allan, USDA-ARS-CMAVE.
A parasitoid wasp, Anagyrus pseudococci Girault. Authors: Theresa Chormanski, Miami Dade College; and Ronald D. Cave, University of Florida.
A sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus Rau. Author: Billy T. Crow,University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Department.
Fiddlewood leafroller, Epicorsia oedipodalis (Guenée). Author: William H. Kern, Jr., University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Department.
Do you have a favorite creature? Learn how to make it into a Featured Creatures!
Our 2015 Bee College was the largest so far with attendance exceeding 400 people. The event featured our regular local speakers and invited speakers Dr. Deborah Delaney, University of Delaware and Dr. Tom Seeley, Cornell University. We wish to thank all who attended and the staff who worked so hard to make event a success.
Bee College in the news: Record number of students swarm to annual UF Bee College session.
Dr. Billy Crow presented "Nematode management on golf course turf 2015" at regional seminars of the Florida Turfgrass Association in Jacksonville and Orlando on February 18 and 19, respectively.
Dr. Billy Crow gave a 4-hour seminar on "Nematodes on golf course turf" at the annual Educational Conference of the Golf Course Superintendents of America in San Antonio TX on February 23. This is an international conference, so Dr. Crow was happily reconnected with his former grad student Yun Zhang (MS 2010). Yun is the Turfgrass Product Field Support Representative for Bayer Environmental Sciences in China.
ABOVE: Dr. Billy Crow and alumni Yun Zhang (Bayer) at the Golf Course Superintendents of America meeting in San Antonio TX.
Dr. James P. Cuda participated in a webinar sponsored by the Southern IPM Center as part of the National Invasive Species Awareness Week on 25 February. The webinar titled “Integrated management of the invasive aquatic weed hydrilla” was co-authored by Dr. Jennifer Gillett-Kaufman, Dr. Raymond Hix, Dr. Verena-Ulrike Litze and Dr. Emma Weeks.
Dr. James P. Cuda was a co-author on a presentation by Dr. William Overholt titled “Exploring and Testing Natural Enemies of Cogongrass.” The presentation was part of the biannual FWC-IFAS Research Review for Invasive Plants in Florida held at the UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Office, 4-5 March.
4th International Research Conference on Huanglongbing
Dr. Phil Stansly, Dr. Jawwad Qureshi, Dr. James Tansey, graduate students Scott Croxton, Thomson Paris, and Xulin Chen presented at the conference and did a great job representing the Entomology and Nematology department!
In addition: Dr. Susan Halbert, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Dr. Manjunath Keremane, USDA/ARS/NCGRCD Dr. Chandrika Ramadugu, U CA, Riverside, Dr. Richard Lee, USDA/ARS/NCGRCD Dr. Jo Ann Lee, UF Mathematics Department, Dr. James Keesling, UF Mathematics Department, Dr. Burt Singer, Emerging Pathogens Institute, UF and Dr. William O. Dawson, UF CREC presented a talk called “Surprising results and implications of the Florida psyllid testing project” at the 4th International Research Conference on Huanglongbing meeting in Orlando.
From the Outreach Coordinator
A big thank you to the students and faculty who volunteered at our February outreach events.
The live critters are always a hit with children and adults alike. The critters are available for you to check out should you be leading an outreach event. We have doubles of our most popular critters, as well as various native insect species depending on the time of year. We have large wood and Plexiglas cages for viewing our native orb weaving spiders. There is one travel cage and one larger static cage. Please be sure to contact us and review the protocol on transporting and handling the critters if you are not already familiar with it. If you lead an outreach, be sure to fill out a documentation form so your event can be included in the newsletter and we can log all outreach events.
If you have any questions please email me.
Thank you — Erin Powell, Outreach Coordinator.
If you would like to schedule an event or have any outreach questions, go to the Outreach pages on our Bug Club Website and contact us.
Getting social!
We have several social media sites for the Entomology & Nematology Department. To make them easily searchable, all three (YouTube, Facebook and Twitter) have the same page name: UFEntomology. Please share these links with past students or colleagues who may have an interest in departmental activities.
Virni Mattson, our grants specialist, reports that from January 1st to February 28th, 2015, we have had 27 new grants or contracts awarded for a total of $2,320,591.66 in external funding for all Entomology & Nematology faculty (in Gainesville and at RECs).
Dr. Barry Alto with Co-PI Dr. L. Philip Lounibos were awarded $79,701 from FDACS for their project - Emergence and risk prediction for Florida of chikungunya virus from the Caribbean.
Dr. James P. Cuda with Co-PI Dr. William A. Overholt were awarded a $10,000 grant from the UF/IFAS FAES for their Multi-State research project “Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds, S-1058.” The funds will be used to import and establish a colony of the gall forming midge Orseolia javanica Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a candidate biological control agent for cogongrass.
97th Annual Meeting of the Florida Entomological Society
August 2-5, 2015 at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa
17260 Harbour Pointe Drive, Fort Myers , FL 33908
Don’t miss your opportunity to submit a symposium or workshop idea for consideration for the 98th Annual Meeting of the Florida Entomological Society.
Any FES member who would like to organize a symposium or workshop for the annual meeting should e-mail (preferable), phone, or fax, their suggestions to Program Chair, Dr. Phil Stansly (pstansly@ufl.edu) by 15 April 2015.
Symposia/workshop organizers are expected to arrange for speakers and moderate their sessions. Speakers should be requested to provide their details (addresses, etc.), title of presentation, and abstract in BOTH English and Spanish. Symposium Chairs will organize and send a finished file of abstracts, etc. to the Program Chair. A form will be provided. The Program Committee will assist organizers with equipment needs (projectors, laptops, etc.). However, it is preferable if the organizers arrange for their own equipment needs.
Symposium or Workshop?
A symposium is a session organized around a common theme and is for researchers to inform others of what they are doing.
A workshop is designed to train participants about a specific subject. Workshops are fee-based and participants can earn credits or CEUs. Those who do not register and pay for the workshop are NOT supposed to attend. Workshops have traditionally been on the last day of the meeting because many participants only want to attend that day, and just that workshop.
Exhibitors/Vendors are welcome, and for a fee can set up a booth for all three days of the meeting. Two lunch tickets are included.
Dr. Phil Stansly
Professor of Entomology
University of Florida-IFAS-SWFREC
Phone: 239-658-3427
FES Honors and Awards 2015
The Florida Entomological Society Honors and Awards Committee are requesting nominations for 2015 in the following categories:
Winners will be announced at the 2015 Annual Meeting. Each nomination should be accompanied with a justification narrative that will be read at the awards luncheon. View previous winners.
Nomination deadline is July 1, 2015.
Nominations should be emailed to: Dr. Jawwad Qureshi
Chair, Honors and Awards Committee
University of Florida-IFAS-SWFREC
Phone: 239-658-3451
Want books???
Michelle Leonard will try to purchase all book requests that support research and curriculum for faculty. Each year she is given a deadline for end of fiscal year purchases. Please send any book purchase requests before the dates outlined below:
She will need the full title, author and year. Please indicate if you prefer an ebook or a hardcopy.
Michelle Leonard
Environmental Engineering Sciences & Natural Resources
Marston Science Library, 209A
We like to share news when it happens using our social media outlets: Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Follow us on these sites for daily updates! When you send news, we will post it on one or more of these sites and again in the monthly newsletter. Please be sure you have permission from people in photographs you submit for publication.
UF-Bugnews-L listserv subscribers receive notices when issues are posted. Our home page has instructions for subscribing and unsubscribing.
Special thanks to Haleigh Ray and Nancy Sanders, who reviewed the newsletter for errors, and to Jane Medley and Don Wasik, who built the web page design.