Genus Nomada, nineteen taxa reported for Florida
These are parasitic bees, mostly on the genus Andrena but some other hosts are known.
Mandibles simple…..3
Segment 1 of flagellum considerably shorter than segment 2, even on upper side; light red, the yellow maculations not so strongly contrasting, and face often yellowish between clypeus and eyes…Nomada ovata
Front coxae without spines or with very short obscure spines or denticles….10
Segment 2 of flagellum much longer than broad, usually distinctly longer than basal segment….7
Propodeum entirely black….6
Abdominal terga 3-5 with bright yellow transverse bands, that on 3 interrupted medially or much narrowed medially….Nomada heiligbrodtii
Basal segment of flagellum much longer than the apical width…..8
Abdomen entirely red, without pale maculae….9
Hind tibiae without these elongate apical setae, or if at all evident, then very short…Nomada articulata
Length of segment 2 somewhat greater than the shorter side of basal segment…11
Abdominal bands, if present, interrupted medially at least on terga 2 and 3…13
Scutellum more rounded, coarsely rugose or closely punctate; segment 2 of flagellum much longer than shorter side of segment 1….Nomada luteola
Long side of segment 1 at least slightly shorter than segment 2…16
Front coxae simple….15
Larger (7 mm or more); abdominal terga distinctly, even though finely, punctate….Nomada illinoensis
Tegulae more coarsely or sparsely punctate; face blackened between and above antennae…Nomada sayi
Mandibles simple…..4
Scutellum with a distinct median groove, or segment 1 of flagellum not much longer than broad, and much shorter than segment 2…3
Scutum and mesopleura largely or entirely black, abdominal terga 2-5 with entire or slightly interrupted yellow bands…Nomada lepida
Segment 3 of flagellum not spinose; pedicel usually not so enclosed in the scape..8
Segment 2 of flagellum considerably longer than 3, fully twice as long as broad…6
Hind femora arcuate, lower surface flattened or slightly concave, the margins subcarinate…7
Thorax entirely black except the tubercles and a pair of small inconspicuous yellowish maculae on collar; scutellum sometimes red, but metanotum black…Nomada australis
Basal segment of flagellum considerably shorter than segment 2, at least if measured along its shorter side...12
Apex of pygidium entire, rounded, or truncate…Nomada affabilis
Propodeum usually entirely black, sometimes reddened, but not maculated….11
Scape yellow anteriorly; transverse bands on terga 3-5 broad laterally, narrowed medially; tergum 6 yellow maculate…Nomada heiligbrodtii
Abdominal terga either with lateral, widely separated yellow maculations, or with transverse bands that are to some degree interrupted medially….16
Basal vein to some degree basad of transverse median…14
Propodeum with yellow maculations….15
Segment 2 of flagellum about twice as long as basal segment….Nomada luteola
Flagellar segments not so modified…17
Tergum 3, and usually tergum 2 also, with lateral, yellow maculations which are rather widely separated….18
Larger; median segments of antennae somewhat longer than broad; scutellum with reddish maculae, to some degree grooved or impressed medially….Nomada illinoensis
County Records: Wakulla
Dates: March-June
County Records: Liberty
Locations: Torreya State Park
Dates: April-August; April 16 in Florida
Notes: Mitchell lists this for Florida
County Records: Alachua, Gadsden, Lake, Leon, Liberty
Locations: Gainesville, Tall Timbers Research Station, Torreya State Park
Dates: March-June; April 11-May 13 in Florida
County Records: none in FSCA
Dates: March to August (Mitchell)
Notes: Mitchell lists this for Florida. No photos are available.
County Records: Gadsden (FL), Jackson (FL), Lowndes (GA), Thomas (GA)
Dates: March-June; March 1-April 13 in Florida
County records: Leon
Locations: Tallahassee
Dates: March
Notes: new state record for Florida; previously known from Georgia.
County Records: Alachua, Gadsden, Highlands, Leon, Miami-Dade, Sarasota, Taylor
Locations: Coral Gables, Blue Spring Lake
Dates: March-September; April, June, and September in Florida
Notes: Florida-South Carolina
County Records: Alachua, Leon
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station
Dates: February-May
County Records: Baker, Columbia, Wakulla, Lowndes (GA)
Locations: Osceola National Forest, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Dates: April-October
County Records: Leon
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station
Dates: March
Notes: New state record for Florida; previously known from Georgia.
County Records: Leon
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station
Dates: March to July
Notes: New state record for Florida; previously known from Georgia.
County Records: Alachua, Leon
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station
Dates: March-June
County Records: Leon, Lowndes County (Georgia)
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station, VSU
Dates: March-April
Notes: New state record for Florida; previously known from S. Carolina
County Records: Alachua
Locations: Gainesville
Dates: Feb.
Plants: Prunus angustifolia
Notes: New state record; previously known from Mississippi
County Records: Leon, Thomas County (GA)
Locations: Tall Timbers Research Station
Dates: March-June
Notes: Mitchell lists this for Florida
County Records: Alachua
Dates: March-June
County Records: Jackson
Dates: April-May
County Records: Alachua, Orange
Dates: March-May
Notes: North Carolina to Florida; males are not known from this species
County records: Gadsden
Locations: Quincy
Notes: new state record for Florida, previously known from only Alabama