1. Posterior margin of prothorax with a pair of wing-like carinae above the
tubercles, or abdomen strongly tessellate...sumptuosa
Posterior margin of prothorax only slightly produced above the tubercles; abdomen shining between distinct, deep punctures...2
2. Dorsal area of propodeum smooth, very narrow, about half as wide as
metanotum; abdominal terga 2-4 with considerable, suberect, black pubescence,
not vibrassate apically.....anonyma.
Dorsal area of propodeum tessellate, subequal in breadth to metanotum; abdominal terga largely pale pubescent..3
3. Abdominal terga 1 and 2 with a conspicous apical fringe of pale vibrasse...metallica metallica
Apical vibrassae of terga 1 and 2 much reduced or lacking..metallica
fulgida (usally bright green)
County Records: likely throughout
Plants: Crotalaria, Chaemaecrista, Bidens, Sysrynchium, Physalis, Salix, Conocarpus erectus (UM); Baccharis, Bidens, Cirsium, Erigeron, Helenium, Metopium, Rhus (Mitchell)
Notes: abundant in S. Florida, rare in N. Florida
County Records: likely throughout
Plants: Warea carteri, Lantana ovatifolia v. reclinata, Pityopsis graminifolia v. tracyi, Bidens alba, Helianthus debilis, Baccharis halimifolia, Solanum wendlandi, Rhus copallina var. Leucantha, Jacquemontia reclinata (on sand dunes at Jupiter Island) (Graenicher 1930).
County Records: likely throughout