Step 1
Download the PDF form or right-click the image to the right to download the sample submission form. Then, print the form as a full page.
Step 2
The form is divided into several sections including (1) General Information, (2) Pest Surveyed, (3) Plant Surveyed, (4) Additional Information. Fill out the entire form based on the single sample you are submitting (do NOT use one form for multiple different samples). Your local extension agent should be able to help with this process.
Step 3
Make sure your sample is secured appropriately for mailing. Your extension agent may do this for you, so check with them first. Check our additional resources below to learn how to package hard-bodied insects, soft-bodied insects, and plant samples.
Step 4
Finally, bring your contained samples and forms to your local county extension agent. County agents will send your submission to the appropriate identifier at the University of Florida.
Thank you for your help in reporting invasive species!
Additional Resources
- How to submit a hard bodied insect sample
- How to submit a sample of an insect that is attached to the plant substrate
- How to submit a plant sample
- How to submit a soft bodied insect sample
The form below is a necessary part of the sample submission process. Additionally, by using the form found here, you or your extension office will not be charged for the sample, and it makes it easier to track samples that were submitted as a direct result of the Florida First Detector program.
To download a copy of the form, click Here