All the sequences used to infer the phylogenetic affinity of Helicosporidium spp. are available in GenBank. In addition, our major phylogeny reconstructions are available publicly on TreeBASE. You may download our alignments as well as numerous phylogenetic trees in various formats. Search the TreeBASE database for Helicosporidium sp. or use our study accession numbers S604 (nuclear gene phylogenies) and S819 (plastid gene phylogenies).
You can view a sample of our analyses by clicking on the link above.
Our phylogenetic analyses have identified Helicosporidia as non-photosynthetic green algae, closely related to the genus Prototheca. Check out our Publications for more information.
The Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) from Helicosporidium sp. Have been deposited in GenBank and in the Protist EST database PEPdb. This sequencing effort is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Patrick Keeling at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Detailed information about these sequences will be available soon by clicking on the EST libraries link.