This tribe is best represented in western North America, in temperate and desert environments. It has 4 genera present in Florida, with nearly all species being winter or early spring species.
1. Propodeum with narrow horizontal basal zone, set off from declivous posterior surface by a carina, and divided by carina into a series of large pits; anterior surface of T1 broadly concave and delimited by strong carina; lines delimiting propodeal triangle absent or feeble...Heriades
Propodeum without such a horizontal basal zone (but if pits and a zone set off by a carina are evident, then zone is usually sloping, and anterior surface of T1 is neither broadly concave nor delimited by strong carina); lines delimiting propodeal triangle distinct, at least as sharp changes in sculpturing...2
2. Parapsidal lines punctiform or at most 3 times as long as wide; body usually metallic.. Osmia
Parapsidal lines linear; body rarely metallic although sometimes strongly so...3
3. S2 and S3 of male similar to one another; S5 and S6 of male hidden, largely membranous, only transverse apical marginal areas and lateral margins somewhat sclerotized, these sterna with large, basal, minutely hairy areas invaginated anteriorly into metasoma; distance from first submarginal crossvein to first recurrent usually twice distance from second recurrent vein to second submarginal crossvein; anterior surface of mesepisternum in front of omaulus smooth, shining, lower part usually sharply divided at omaulus from outer surface, lower part of omaulus carinate; male T6 with 4 strong teeth.. Ashmeadiella
S2 and S3 of male commonly quite different from one another; S5 or S6 of male, or both, usually exposed, broadly sclerotized, without large, anterior hairy areas; distance from first submarginal crossvein to first recurrent almost always less than twice distance from second recurrent vein to second submarginal crossvein; anterior surface of mesepisternum in front of omaulus usually at least with a few punctures near omaulus, which is not carinate; male T6 not 4-toothed.. Hoplitis