Subfamily Megachilinae

Tribe Megachilini Latreille

Two genera are found in this tribe, Megachile and the parasitic Coelioxys.

Key to genera (From Michener 2000)


    Scopa present on S2 to S5 or S6; metasoma not tapering throughout its length..Megachile

    Scopa absent; metasoma tapering from near base to narrow, often acutely pointed apex..Coelioxys


    T6 appearing multispinose because of two pairs of long, preapical spines, each spine of upper pair sometimes divided into two, or crenulate, rounded, or fused to other spine of pair..Coelioxys

    T6 with large preapical carina (apparent apex of metasoma), often crenulate, often emarginate medially, sometimes reduced to two spines or rarely absent..Megachile