Bees of the genus Colletes are solitary, but sometimes nest gregariously. These are ground nesting bees that often have prominent nests in open areas. These are either spring (9 species) or fall (5 species) flying but one species (C. mandibularis) exhibits two generations and flies in both spring and fall. In Florida and the south, they are generally lacking during the summer months of June and July. Most species are polylectic, foraging primarily on shrubs and trees.
Fifteen to seventeen species, depending on the uncertain taxonomy of three species, are found in Florida. There is some disagreement on species between Stephen (1954) and Mitchell (1960). For example, Mitchell separates C. banksii from C. distinctus while Stephen makes it a synonym. In contrast, Mitchell synonymizes C. carolinus with his C. distinctus. All of our species, with two exceptions, are found elsewhere, primarily in the eastern U.S. but some extending further west. The two endemic species include C. titusensis, found in the central peninsula, and C. longifacies, found in the western panhandle and north-central peninsula. Both species have been described on the basis of 2-3 specimens. One new range extension to Florida is proposed for C. inaequalis, based on the specimens collected by Pascarella (unpublished data) in Leon County, Florida. There are no recognized subspecies but Stephen recognized several species groups.
Key features used in identifying Colletes to species level include, besides the male genitalia, the presence of a dorsal prominence or horizontal carina on the mesepisternum and metepisternum (Stephen collectively referred to these as the metapleura), the malar length vs. malar width, flagellar length vs. width, hair color, prothoracic spines in females, sterna, and tergum punctation. Hair color is also used although hair color was found to be highly variable in many species (Stephen 1954). The horizontal carina character is found below the wings and can be hard to see. Some species have an orange to yellow edge to the carina, others just a black prominence, and others no noticeable swelling of either type.
Michener, C. D. 2000. Bees of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA. 913 p.
Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. Volume I. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 141, 538 p.
Stephen, W. P. 1954. A revision of the bee genus Colletes in America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 36(1): 149-527.
Metapluera with no dorsal prominence, or if weak prominence, with carina curving ventrally well in front of posterior margins; if having metapleural prominences, then malar spaces as long as broad…2
Median flagellar segments usually as long as broad when viewed from above; last exposed sternum usually lacking depressed apical portion…3
Mesoscutum and scutellum with no black pile…12
Malar spaces usually one-half as long as broad or less…5
First metasomal tergum deeply punctate, punctures one to one and one-half puncture widths apart laterally, or punctures fine and contiguous….6
Posterior basitarsi at least three times as long as broad…7
Prothoracic spines short, absent, or obliquely truncate, never terminating in a needlelike point to edge of head….10
Fore coxae lacking spines…9.
Clypeus short, convex, coarsely punctate with shiny interspaces; flagellar segments about as long as broad..C. nudus
10. Antennae very short, flagellar segments one-half as long as broad; length 9-10mm..11
Antennae long, flagellar segments as long as broad; length 12-14mm….C. inaequalis
11. Metasomal terga one to three with distinct narrow preapical groove, followed by raised flangelike margins; clypeus closely punctate…C. brevicornis
Metasomal terga one to three with apical margins entire and smooth, broadly fasciate; clypeus flat, dull, and weakly roughened..C. willistoni
Prothoracic spines short or absent, never as long as width across base…13
Mesepisterna rugosely punctate with shiny, although sometimes roughened, interspaces; pile variable in color….14
Last metasomal sternum lacking carinae; second metasomal tergum sparsely folliculated; tegulae brown hyaline…C. brimleyi
Metapleural prominence weakly protuberant with a narrow brown to black rim, shallowly concave beneath…17
Second metasomal tergum with basal fascia weak or absent, nor more than one-third as wide as nonpubescent area between basal and apical fascia; first metasomal tergum with disc sparsely folliculated and shiny; metasomal terga three to five bare and shiny, occassionally with a few semierect hairs; apical fascia weak and narrow; first metasomal tergum with lateral fringes weak and usally not continuous to apical fascia; mesoscutum with pile deep ochreus to yellow; Second metasomal tergum with a narrow basal fascia; mesepisterna densely, almost contiguously punctate; propodeum with posterior face smooth, sparsely punctate; pile of body tinged with fuscous..C. americanus
Mesoscutum and scutellum with pile entirely light; second metasomal tergum with strong basal fascia; mesepisterna distinctly punctate…C. speculiferus
For females, C. brevicornis, C. willistoni and C. distinctus come out twice in the key.
Metapleura with no dorsal prominence or if weakly prominent with carinae curving ventrally well in front of posterior margins, if having rimmed prominence then malar spaces one and one-half times as long as broad…2
Median flagellar segments usually at least one and one-half times as long as broad; if shorter, penis valves lacking dorsal wing….3
Mesoscutum, scutellum, and inner orbital margins with light hair…9
Malar spaces no longer than three fourths as long as broad…6
Prododeum with posterior face outside of triangle dull and roughened; metasomal terga with discs having pile white to pale grey; thorax with pile, long, fine, and pale grey on periphery; seventh ventral plates tripartite apically, lateral lobes long and broadly separated from median lobe…C. inaequalis
Posterior basitarsi about four times as long as broad…7
Prothoracic spines short, vestigial, or obliquely truncate…C. inaequalis
Vertex with light pile; mesoscutum with but a few black hairs; length 8-10 mm…. C simulans
First metasomal terga closely punctate, punctures no more than two puncture widths apart…12
Flagellar segments about one and one-half times as long as broad; malar spaces at least three-eights as long as broad…11
Malar spaces three-eigths as long as broad; seventh ventral plates longer than broad, roughly triangular…C. distinctus
Metasomal tergum two depressed basally, with or without basal fasciae…C. simulans
Lower edge of metapleural prominence with a broad rim which hangs down and obscures surface beneath it in lateral view….15
Vertex and mesoscutum with pile all light…C. mitchelli
First metasomal tergum with disc impunctate and shiny or, if punctate, punctures weak and sparse and folliclelike.. C. americanus
Metasomal terga one to three with apex smooth, not grooved; antennal segment three subequal to four; malar spaces one-third as long as broad.. C. willistoni
Note that no males have been described for C. longifacies.