When: May 7 - 9, 2025
Where: Gainesville Florida

Who should apply?

There are over 13,000 species of ants in the world, and just a handful of these species are troublesome and economically important species. The Invasive Ant Boot Camp is a three-day intensive course focused on teaching identification, biology and management of the particular subset of ants that have become invasive around the world. Through a series of lectures, field trips and lab sessions, we provide hands-on training with the world’s worst invasive and tramp ants, as well as some native species that can be problematic here in Florida. Teaching materials include reference collections and a guide to the world’s most problematic ant species. Led by the University of Florida’s ant expert, Dr. Andrea Lucky, and instructors experienced in pest control, policy and regulation of invasive species, as well as ant ecology and evolution, this course offers superior immersive training for anyone seeking to learn more about invasive ants. Join us for this year’s course!

  • Students studying ants, for control or conservation, or studying ecosystems or species impacted by invasive ants.
  • Pest control professionals
  • Regulatory professionals
  • Extension professionals
  • Science Educators

For more info please browse this website and contact IABC Coordinator Andrea Lucky with any questions.



Acknowledgements: Sara Alvarez logo