1. Hypostomal carina strongly divergent toward base of mandibles, Larger (7-8mm); pleura coarsely rugose and scutum deeply and rather coarsely punctate, rugose in part...2
Hypostomal carina nearly or quite parallel...3
2. Front trochanters rounded; front coxae carinate laterally; hypostomal carinae usually not produced, the hypostome not deeply excavated...L. (D.) reticulatum
Front trochanters flattened and slightly excavated anteriorly; front coxae not carinate; hypostome deeply excavated, the carinae usually strongly produced...L.(D.) bruneri
3. Tegulate elongate, being somewhat angulately produced posteriorly, distinctly and quite deeply punctate...4
Tegulae usually quite short, broadly rounded or truncate posteriorly; if at all produced, then not truncate...5
4. Scutum and scutellum shining between quite close and deep punctures; apical margins of abdominal terga conspicously yellowish-hyaline..L. (D.) marinum
Scutum and scutellum dull, densely tessellate between the punctures; apical margins of abdominal terga dark..L.(D.) puteulanum
5. Front trochanters broadly dilated and much flattened, the length sometimes not greatly exceeding the breadth..L. (D.) callidum
Front trochanters more slender and cylindric...6
6. Abdomen ferruginous in large part or entirely pale testaceous, contrasting with the metallic greenish head and thorax...7
Abdomen dark in general, either piceous or metallic greenish or bluish, often with apical margins of the segments yellowish or ferruginous-hyaline..12
7. Scutum with a dense covering of golden tomentum, obscuring the surface, with subcontiguous punctures; abdomen pale testaceous...L. (D.) vierecki
Scutum not densely tomentose, punctures in center of disc relatively sparse...8
8. Pleura with distinct punctures...9
Pleura impunctate..L. (D.) stuartense
9. Pleura shining, punctures very fine and sparse..L. (D.) tahitense
Pleura dull, closely and rather deeply punctate..10
10. Punctures of scutum uniformly close throughout; only apical third or less of clypeus ferruginous...L. (D.) nymphale
Punctures of scutum well separated over median area of disc; half or more of clypeus ferruginous...L. (D.) surianae
12. Posterior face of propodeum sharply truncate, delimited both laterally and dorsally by a distinct, carinate rim; punctures of scutum coarse and deep...L. (D.) brassicae
Propodeum not so distinctly truncate posteriorly, margin between dorsal and posterior surfaces more or less rounded, not sharply carinate; or punctures of scutum minute...13
13. Head more elongate, length of supraclypeal area being at least equal to its greatest width...14
Head more rounded, supraclypeal area being broader than long, and clypeus usually not extended much below suborbital line...19
14. Punctures in central area of scutum to some degree separated...15
Punctures close over entire scutum, interspaces little, if any, exceeding diameter of punctures...17
15. Punctures of scutum very minute and obscure, well separated throughout; size very small (4mm)..L. (D.) coreopsis
Scutum quite densely punctate laterally...16
16. Scutum medially and scutellum very sparsely and minutely punctate...L. (D.) halophitum
Punctures of scutum medially deep and distinct, well separated but not sparse..L. (D.) creberrimum
17. Supraclypeal area quite flat, not noticeably elevated above surrounding areas of face; clypeus medially also flat...L. (D.) raleighense
Supraclypeal area more or less strongly convex, thus slightly elevated in center above surrounding area of face...18
18. Smaller (4-5m); second submarginal cell considerably shorter than third..L. (D.) creberrimum
Larger (6-7mm); second submarginal cell nearly equal in length to third..L. (D.) floridanum
19.Scutum sparsely punctate throughout, punctures being widely separated even in areas between notaulices and tegulae at each side..L. (D.) apopkense
Scutum quite closely punctate between notaulices and tegulae...20
20. Cheeks considerably broader than eyes, in lateral view of head... L. (D.) imitatum
Cheeks subequal to eyes in width, or slightly narrower...21
21. Clypeus all or in part ferruginous...22
Clypeus entirely dark in color...25
22. Pleura dull, densely tessellate between close and rather deep punctures..L. (D.) surianae
Pleura shining, punctures, if present, very minute and sparse...23
23. Pleura anteriorly quite smooth, with scattered shallow but rather distinct punctures...24
Pleura roughened or subreticulate, anteriorly, without distinct punctures even posteriorly..L. (D.) alachuense
24. Dorsal surface of propodeum reticulate, the posterior margin smooth and rounded...L. (D.) tarponense
Dorsal surface of propodeum smooth, almost completely devoid of striations or reticulations..L. (D.) tahitense
25. Scutum uniformly, closely punctate, interspaces not greatly exceeding diameter of punctures..L. (D.) miniatulum
Punctures of scutum well separated over median area, interspaces being fully twice diameter of punctures near center of disc...26
26. Dorsal face of propodeum striate only along basal margin, at least the apical half smooth, the margin rounded...L. (D.) flaveriae
Dorsal face of propodeum striate or rugose in large part, only the apical margin smooth, if at all...27
27. Pleura distinctly punctate...L. (D.) oblongum
Pleura either impunctate, or with obscure or indefinite punctures visible only at certain angles...28
28. Abdominal terga 3-5 densely ochraceous tomentose, obscuring the surface; pleura dull, densely tessellate, the punctures sparse, shallow and obscure..L. (D.) admirandum
Surface of tergum 3, at least, not obscured by tomentum; pleural punctures closer and more distinct..29
29. Abdominal terga uniformly dark, and entirely bare, except for their scattered, erect hairs..L. (D.) oblongum
Abdominal terga either yellowish apically or with basal tomentose areas or with scattered, appressed, plumose hairs that partially hide the surface...30
30. Abdominal terga 2 and 3 largely impunctate over apical half of disc, the impressed margin and an adjacent area smooth and impunctate...L. (D.) leviense
Discs of terga 2 and 3 with minute but rather distinct punctures extending to the apical margin...L. (D.) admirandum
County Records: Escambia, Franklin, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa
Dates: March-Sept.
Notes: quite variable in color, hair, and pleura morphology according to Mitchell. No photos are available.
County Records: Alachua, Levy, Lake, Okaloosa, Taylor
Dates: June-Sept.
Notes: Endemic to Florida/SE. Georgia
County Records: Alachua, Liberty, Santa Rosa, Volusia
Dates: Feb.-Oct.
County Records: none in FSCA; Alachua
Dates: April
Plants: Stachys floridana
Notes: Mitchell lists this species for Florida. No photos are available at this time.
County Records: Gadsden, Jackson, Levy, Liberty (also known from Lowndes Co., GA)
Dates: Feb.-Oct.
County Records: Leon, Wakulla
Dates: March-October (Mitchell)
Plants: polylectic
Notes: New state record for Florida. Previously known from as far south as Georgia.
County Records: Alachua, Baker, Columbia, Escambia, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Santa Rosa, Wakulla
Dates: nearly all year in Florida
Plants: Xyris sp., Rhexia sp., Croton linearis, Warea carteri, Lepidium virginicum, Satureja rigida, Opuntia humifusa, Galactia pinetorum, Liatris gracilis, Mikania batatifolia, Chrysopsis tracyi, and Solidago stricta (Graenicher 1927). Bidens alba, Samodia sp., Opuntia, Erigeron, Jacquemontia, Galactia, Cirsium (UM)
County Records: Alachua, Collier, Highlands, Lake, Liberty, Miami-Dade, Polk, Monroe, Sarasota, Volusia
Locations: Key West
Dates: nearly all year in Florida
Plants: Solidago stricta
County Records: Miami-Dade, Monroe
Locations: ENP, Big Pine Key
Dates: March 2-Aug. 29
Plants: Ardisia escallonioides (Pascarella 1997). Mikania, Flaveria linearis and Achranthes mecranthifolia (FSCA)
Notes: Endemic to S. Florida
County Records: Alachua, Gadsden, Leon, Madison, Orange, Putnam, Volusia,
Wakulla Locations: Dates: Feb.-Oct. (Mitchell) Plants: Notes: Halictidae: Lasioglossum (Dialictus) floridanum Robertson [= pilosum floridanum]
County Records: Miami-Dade, Monroe, Wakulla
Locations: Homestead, Big Pine Key
Plants: Borrichia arborescens, Acranthes mecranthifolia, Bacopa monnieri, Sesuvium maritinum (Graenicher); Acranthes mecranthifolia and Borrichia arborescens (FSCA). Achyranthes, Anthemis, Baccharis, Borrichia, Bacopa, Cirsium, Eupatorium, Euphorbia, Heliotropium, Mikania, Portulaca, Sesuvium, and Suriana (Mitchell); Sysrynchium, Crotalaria sp. (UM).
Notes: Found in coastal areas of mangrove and marsh