From: Thomas R. Fasulo
Extension Entomologist
University of Florida
I was just updating some files in the University of Florida Featured Creatures WWW site. One of these files was on the Indianmeal moth. Previously, this insect was called the "Indian meal moth," whereas it is now listed as the "Indianmeal moth." This name change was overlooked in the 1997 ESA Common Names of Insects book, but is listed as a correction on the ESA Common Names WWW site at:
I also want to pass along to readers who are not entomologists, that the 1997 edition of the ESA Common Names of Insect book (the last printed edition) also changed most hyphenated insect names to eliminate the hyphen. For example, the "brown-banded" cockroach is now called the "brownbanded" cockroach. A great many university and industry publications (including those at the University of Florida) still in print use the now incorrect hyphenated names. Hopefully, as they are revised, this will be corrected.
If you use hyphenated insect common names in the future for your publications, you might want to confirm that the name is still hyphenated before sending the publication out for printing.