10/11/00 - Florida Declares Southern Pine Beetle Emergency
Bob Crawford, Commissioner of Agriculture for Florida, has issued a Declaration of Emergency:
Whereas, the Southern Pine Beetle is a plant pest that has severely and extensively infested pine trees in Hernando County; and
Whereas, these infestations constitute an immediate danger to the public safety and welfare of the citizens of Hernamdo County and the timber industry; and
Whereas, emergency action is required to prevent or control dissemination of these infestations, including the removal and destruction of infested trees.
Now therefore, in accordance with the powers and authority conferred by Article IV, Section 4, Florida Constitution and Section 570.07(21), 581.031(6), 581.031(9), 581.031(17), and 581.111, Florida Statues, I hereby declare that an agricultural emergency exists in Hernando County; that the Southern Pine Beetle and any trees infested by it are a public nuisance in Hernando County; and that immediate measures to address these infestations of the Southern Pine Beetle are necessary and shall be taken by the county. The state will provide technical assistance and support financial cost and share funding with the county.
Executed this 9th day of October, 2000.
Previous Pest Alerts dealing with the southern pine beetle:
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