Khuong Ba Nguyen
Entomology & Nematology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Phone: 352-392-1901 (Office)
Fax: 352-392-0190

- Engineering diploma in
Agriculture, University
of Agriculture of Sai gon, Viet-nam, 1968
- Master of science
in Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville
Florida, 1974: THESIS: Some
nematodes associated with vegetables in North Florida,
and pathogenicity of Belonolaimus
longicaudatus to collard, kale and
- Doctor of Philosophy in
Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, 1988:
DISSERTATION: A new nematode parasite of mole crickets: its taxonomy,
biology and potential for biological control.
- 1968-1972 - Instructor in the
lab of Agronomy at the University
of Agriculture,
- 1972-1974 - Student at the University of Florida
- 1974-1980 - Assistant
Professor in Nematology at the University
of Agriculture, Sai-gon, Viet-nam.
- 1981-->present. Senior
Biological Scientist, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida.
- To date K. B. Nguyen has
described one new genus, and 32 new species of nematodes.
- Conducting research in
biological control of insects
- Identification of nematodes
(all kinds).
- Teaching "Nematode
identification" (NEM
6905) for graduate students.
- Teaching "Insect
parasitic Nematodes" (NEM 6103, NEM 6104L)
for graduate students.
- Teaching
"Nematode Taxonomy and Systematics"
(NEM 6102).
- Teaching "Nematode
Morphology & Anatomy" (NEM 6101).
- 1985: Traveled to Brazil and Uruguay to collect a nematode,
later described as Steinernema scapterisci
Nguyen & Smart, 1990, an effective control agent of mole crickets.
- 1974-1980 Assistant professor
at the University of Agriculture in Viet-nam;
Responsible for teaching Morphology and Taxonomy of nematodes; supervisor
for students, conducting research in nematology.
- K. B. Nguyen has contributed
to 90 scientific papers, three patents, eight book chapters, one book and 14
websites. Followings are the important ones.
Note: Before
1988 K. B. Nguyen had published under the name Nguyen B. Khuong or N. B. Khuong
as it would be listed in Vietnamese, but since 1988 his name has been listed in
the English fashion of Khuong B. Nguyen or K. B. Nguyen.
Taxonomic Papers
- Nguyen, K.B. & Buss, E.A. 2011. Steinernema phyllophagae n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), a new entomopathogenic nematode from Florida, USA. Nematology 13, 425-442.
- Nguyen, K.B., Ginarte C. M.A, Leite, L.G., dos Santo, J.M. & Harakava, R. 2010. Steinernema brazilense n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) a new entomopathogenic nematode from Moto Grosso, Brazil. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 103, 8-20.
- Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Mbata, G.N., Nguyen, K.B., Peat, S.M., Blackburn, D. & Adams, B.J. 2009. Characterization of biocontrol trait in the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis georgiana (Kesha strain), and phylogenetic analysis of the nematode's symbiotic bacteria. Biological Control 51, 377-387.
- Edding ton, S., Buddie, A.G., Tymo, L., Hunt, D.J., Nguyen, K.B., France, A.I., Merino, L.M. & Moore, D.2009. Steinernema australe n. sp. (Panagrolaimorpha: Steinernematidae) a new entomopathogenic nematodefrom Isla Magdalena, Chile. Nematology 11, 699-717.
- Mracek, Z. Qi-Zhi, L. & Nguyen, K.B. 2009. Steinernema xueshanense
n. sp. (Rhabditida:, Steinernematidae), a new species of
entomopathogenic nematode from the province of Yunnan, southeast
Tibetan Mts., China. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 102, 69-78.
- Tarasco, E., Mracek, Z., Nguyen, K.B.& Trigiani, O. 2008. Steinernema ichnusae sp. n. (Nematode: Steinernematidae) a new entomopathogenic nemarode from Sardinia Island (Italy). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 99, 173-185.
- Malan, A.P., Nguyen, K.B., deWaal,
J.Y. & Tiedt, L. 2008. Heterorhabditis safricana n. sp. (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae)
an entomopathogenic nematode from South Africa. Nematology 10, 381-396..
- Nguyen, K.B., Shapiro-Ilan, D. &
Mbata, G. 2008. Heterorhabditis georgiana n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae)
from Georgia, USA.
Nematology10, 433-448.
- Nguyen, K.B., Puza, V. & Mracek, M. 2008. Steinernema cholashanense
n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae)
a new species of entomopathogenic nematodes from the province
of SichuanCholachan
mountains, China.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
97, 251-264.
- Nguyen, K.B., Stuart, R.J, Andalo, V., Gozel,
U. & roger, M.E. 2007. Steinernema texanum n.
sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae)
a new entomopathogenic nematode from Texas,
Nematology 9, 379-396.
- Nguyen, K.B., Qiu, L., Zhou, Y. & Pang, Y.
(2006). Steinernema leizhouense sp.
n. (Nematoda:
Steinernematidae), a new entomopathogenic
nematode from southern China.
Russian Journal of Nematology 14:101-118.
- Andalo, V., Nguyen, K. B. & Moino, Jr., A. (2006). Heterorhabditis
amazonensis n.
sp. (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) from Amazonas, Brazil. Nematology 8, 853-867.
- Nguyen, K.B., Malan,
A.P. & Gozel, U.
2006. Steinernema khoisanae
n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), a new
entomopathogenic nematode from
South Africa. Nematology
8, 157-175.
- Nguyen, K.B., Gozel, U., Koppenhofer H. S.& Adams, B. J. 2006. Heterorhabditis floridensis n. sp. (Rhabditida:
Heterorhabditidae) from Florida. Zootaxa
1177: 1-19.
- Qiu, L, Hu, X.., Zhou,
Y., Mei, S., Nguyen K. B.
& Pang, Y. 2005.
Steinernema akhursti sp. n. (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) from
Yunan, China. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 90:151-160.
- Qiu, L,
Hu, X.., Zhou, Y., Pang, Y.
and Nguyen K. B. 2005. Steinernema
beddingi n. sp. (Nematoda:Steinernematidae), a new entomopathogenic
nematodes fron Yunan, China. Nematology 7:737-749.
- Nguyen, K.B., M. Tesfamariam, U. Gozel, R. Gaugler
& B. J. Adams.2005. Steinernema
yirgalemense n. sp. (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae) from Ethiopia.
Nematology 6:839-856.
- Qiu, L, Yan,
X., Nguyen, K.B., Pang,
Y. 2005. Steinernema aciari sp. n. (Nematoda: Steinernematidae),
a new entomopathogenic nematode
from Guangdong, China.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88:58-69.
- Qiu, L, Fang
Y.U., Zhou, Y., Pang, Y. and Nguyen K. B. 2004.Steinernema
guangdongense sp. n. (Nematoda: Steinernematidae),
a new entomopathogenic nematode from southern China with a note on S. serratum (nomen nudum). Zootaxa 704:1-20 (
- Nguyen, K.B., David I.
Shapiro-Ilan 2, Robin J. Stuart ,Clay W. MCCoy3,
Rosalind R. James 4 and Byron J. Adams. 2004. Heterorhabditis mexicana n. sp. (Heterorhabditidae:
Rhabditida) from Tamaulipas, Mexico
with morphological studies of bursa of Heterorhabditis spp. Nematology 6:231-244.
- Nguyen, K.B. and B. J.
Adams, 2003. SEM and systematic studies od Steinernema abbasi
Elawad et al., 1997, and S. riobrave Cabanillas et al., 1994 (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae).
Zootaxa 179:1-10. (
- Nguyen, K. B., L. W. Duncan, 2002. Steinernema
diaprepesi n. sp.
(rhabditida: Steinernematidae).
a parasite of the root
weevil Diaprepes
abbreviatus (L) (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae). Journal of Nematology
- Nguyen, K. B., J. Maruniak, and B. J. Adams, 2001. The diagnostic and
phylogenetic utility of the rDNA internal
transcribed spacer sequences of Steinernema.
Journal of Nematology 33:73-82.
- Luc, P. V., K. B. Nguyen,
A. P. Reid, and S. E. Spiridonov. 2000. Steinernema
tami sp. n.(Rhabditida: Steinernematidae)
From Cat Tien Forest, Vietnam. Russian Journal
of Nematology 8:33-43.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1998. Morphology of the life stages of three Heterorhabditis
spp. from the infective juvenile to
hermaphrodite. Proceedings of Soil and Crop Sciences Society of Florida 57:1.1-107
- Hominick,
W.M., B. R. Briscoe, F. G del Pino, Jian Heng, G. J. Hunt, E. Kozodoy, Z. Mracek, K.B.
Nguyen, A. P. Reid, S. Spiridonov, P. Stock, D. Sturhan,
C. Warutu, and M. Yoshida. 1997. Biosystematics
of entomopathogenic nematodes: current status, protocols and definitions.
Journal of Helminthology 71:271-298.
- Tipping, C., Nguyen, K.B.
Funderburk, J.E., Smart, G. C. Jr. 1998. Thrippinema fuscum
n. sp. 9Tylenchida: Allantonematidae), a
parasite of the tobacco thrips, Franklinniella fusca
Thysanoptera. Journal of Nematology
- Nguyen,
K. B. and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1997. Scanning electron microscope studies
of spicules and gubernacula of Steinernema spp. (Nemata: Steinernematidae). Nematologica 43:465-480.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1996. Identification of entomopathpgenic
nematodes in the Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae (Nemata: Rhabditida). Journal of Nematology 28:286-300.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1995. Scanning electron microscope studies od Steinernema
glaseri (Nematoda:
Steinernematidae). Nematologica
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1995. Morphometrics of infective
juveniles of Steinernema spp. and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Nemata: Rhabditida). Journal
of Nematology 27:206-212.
- Nguyen, K. B. & G. C. Smart, Jr. 1994. Neosteinernemalongicurvicauda n. gen. n. sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae),
a parasite of the termite Reticulitermes
flavipes (Koller).
1994. Journal of Nematology 26:162-174.
- Nguyen, K. B. & G. C. Smart, Jr. 1993. Location
of the phasmid on a population of Steinernema glaseri.
Journal of Nematology 25:625-627.
- Nguyen, K. B. 1993.
Identification to entomopathogenic nematode species of the genus Steinernema. Nematology circular 202. Florida
Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service, Division of Plant
industry, Gainesville,
- Nguyen, K. B. & G. C. Smart, Jr. 1993. Scanning
electron microscope studies of Steinernema
anomali Kozodoi,1984.
Journal of Nematology 25:486-492.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1992. Steinernema neocurtillis n. sp. (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae) and a key to species of the
genus Steinernema. Journal of Nematology
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1992. Addendum to the morphology of Steinernemascapterisci.
Journal of nematology 24:478-481.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G. C
Smart, Jr.. 1990. Steinernema scapterisci n. sp. (Steinernematidae:
Nematoda). Journal of nematology
- Smart, Grover C. Jr. and Khuong
B. Nguyen 1994. Rhabditis (Oscheius) pheropsophi n.
sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae).
1994. Journal of Nematology 26:19-24.
- Smart,Jr., G. C. and K. B. Nguyen. 1991. Sting
and awl nematodes, Belonolaimus spp. and Dolichodorus
spp. Pp. 627-667, In Manual of
Agricultural Nematology edited by W. R. Nickle.
Marcel Decker, New York.
- Smart, Jr. G. C. and K. B.
Nguyen. 1990. An illustrated key to the orders of soil-dwelling
nematodes. In Plant Nematology, Laboratory manual, Revised Edition,
edited by B. M. Zuckerman, W. F. Mai and L. R Krusberg.
Agricultural Experiment Station, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Smart, Jr. G. C. and N. B.
Khuong 1985. Dolichodorus miradvulvus n. sp. (Nematoda:
Tylenchida) with a key to species. Journal of
Nematology 17:29-37.
- Smart, Jr. G. C. and Khuong
B. Nguyen 1985 (3rd revision) Illustrated Key for the Identification
of Common Nematodes in Florida.
Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Science. University
of Florida. Gainesville, Fl..
- Tarjan,
A. C., J. S. Davis and K. B. Nguyen 1991. The Genus Prochromadora with a redescription
of P. orleji from a marine saltern in the People's Republic of China.
Journal of Nematology 23:491-501.
- Tarjan,
A. C. and N. B. Khuong 1988. A compendium of the family Axonolaimidae, (Nematoda).
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 29:375-393.
- Coler,
R. R. and K. B. Nguyen 1994. Paraiotonchium
muscadomesticae n. sp. (Tylenchida:
Iotonchidae) a parasite of house fly (Musca domestica)
in Brazil
and key to species of the genus Paraiotonchium.
Journal of Nematology 26:392- 401.
- Khuong, B. Nguyen
1983. Plant parasitic nematodes of South Vietnam. Journal of
Nematology 15:319-323.
- Khuong, B. Nguyen and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1975. Nematodes associated with vegetable crops in two North
Florida Counties. Proceedings of the Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida 34:178-191.
Other Publications
- Gebremariam, G., Gaugler, R. & Nguyen, K.B. 2005. Entomopathogenic
nematodes (EPN): the perspective direction in the biological control of
agricultural pests. Lucrari Stiintifice, UASM
14: 409-413.
- Gebremariam, G., Bato A., Gaugler, R.,
& Nguyen, K.B. 2005. Entomopathogenic
nematodes distributions in the soil of Moldova. Lucrari
UASM 14: 423-426.
- Mekete, T.,
Gaugler, R., Nguyen, K.B., Mandefro, W. and
Tessera, M. 2005. Biogeography of entomopathogenic nematodes in Ethiopia.
Nematropica 35: 31-36.
- Banu,
J. G., K.B. Nguyen and G. Rajendran.
2005. Occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes in Kerala, India. International Journal
of Nematology 15:9-16.
- Duncan, L.W., Graham, J.H., Dun, D.C.,
Zellers, J, McCoy, C.W, and Nguyen, K. B. 2003. Journal of
Nematology 35:178-186.
- Duncan,
L.W., Dunn, D.C., Bague,
G., and Nguyen, K. B. 2003. Competition between Entomopathogenic
nematodes and free-living bactivorous nematodes
in larvae of the weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus. Journal of Nematology 35:187-193.
- Shapiro-Ilan,
D. I, W. A. Gardner, J. R. Fuxa, B. W. Wood, K.B.Nguyen, B. J. Adams, R.A. Humber, and M. J.Hall. 2003. Survey of Entomopathogenic nematodes andFungiEndemic to pecan orchards of the Southeastern United States andtheir
virulence to the pecan weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Contro
- Mc Coy, C. W.R. J. Stuart, L.
W. Duncan, K. Nguyen, 2002. Field efficacy of twocommercial
preparationsof entomopathogenic nematodes
against larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae) in Alfisol
type soil. Florida
Entomologist 85:537-544.
- Wang,C., Powel, J.E., and Nguyen, K.B. 2002.
Laboratory evaluation of four entomopathogenic nematodes for control of
subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Environmental Entomology 31:381-387
- Shapiro, D., B.Wood, W. Gardner,
T. Cottrel, J. Fuxa,
M. Hall, K. Nguyen, and B. Adams. 2001 Research toward control of
the Pecan weevil. 2001 Proceeding of Southeastern Pecan Growers
Association. 94th Annual Convention. Orange
Beach, Alabama:
- Frank, J. H., G. C. Smart,
Jr., N. B. Khuong, W. G. Hudson. 1988 The parasitic nematode as a
biological control agent for mole crickets. Golf course Management 56:116,
118, 122.
- Khuong, Nguyen B.
1987. Hirschmanniella spp.
in rice fields of Viet-nam. Journal of
Nematology 19:82-84.
- Khuong, Nguyen B. and
Smart, Jr. 1975. The effects of Belonolaimus
longicaudatus on growth of collard, kale and
cauliflower. Plant Disease Reporter 59:819-822.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1992. Life cycle of Steinernema
scapterisci Nguyen & Smart, 1990.
Journal of nematology 24:160-169.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1991. Mode of entry and sites of development of Steinernema scapterisci.
Journal of Nematology 23:267-268.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1990. Vertical dispersal of Steinernema
scapterisci. Journal of Nematology
- Nguyen, K. B., and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1990. Pathogenicity of Steinernema scapterisci
to selected invertebrates. Journal of Nematology 23:7-11.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 1990. Heterorhabditis spp.
nematode parasites of insects. Nematology circular 173. Florida Department
of Agriculture & Consumer Service, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville, Florida.
- Nguyen, K. B. And G.
C. Smart, Jr.. 1990. Preliminary Studies on
survival of Steinernema scapterisci in soil. Soil and Crop Science Society
of Florida,
Proceedings: 49:230-233
- Nguyen, K. B. . 1988. A
new nematode parasite of mole crickets: its taxonomy, biology and
potential for biological control. Dissertation. University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
- Hudson, W. G. and Khuong
B. Nguyen 1989. Effects of soil moisture, exposure time, nematode age
and density on laboratory infection of Scapteriscus
vicinus and S. acletus
(Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
by Neoaplectana sp. (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae). Environmental Entomology 18:719-722.
- Hudson, W. G and Khuong B. Nguyen
1989. Infection of Scapteriscus vicinus (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) nymphs by Neoaplectana
sp. (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae).
Entomologists 72:383-384.
- Parkman, J. P., J. H. Frank, K.
B. Nguyen and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1994. Inoculative
release of Steinernema scapterisci (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae) to suppress pest mole crickets
(Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
of Golf courses. Environmental Entomology 23:1331-1337.
- Parkman, J. P., W. G. Hudson,
J. H. Frank, K. B. Nguyen and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1993. Establishment
and persistence of Steinernema scapterisci (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae) in field populations of Scapteriscus spp.
mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae.
Journal of Entomological Science 28:182-190.
- Parkman, J. P. J. H. Frank, K.
B. Nguyen and G. C. Smart, Jr. 1993. Dispersal of Steinernema
scapterisci (Rhabditida:
Steinernematidae) after inoculative
applications for mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) control in pastures. Biological control
- Smart,Jr. G. C., K. B. Nguyen, J. P. Parkman
and J. H. FranK 1990. Biological control of mole
crickets in the genus sScapteriscus with
the nematode Steinernema scapterisci Nguyen & Smart, 1990. Rencontres Caraibes
en lutte biologique, Guadeloupe, 5-7 November
1990. Ed. INRA, Paris 1991.
- Smart, Jr., G. C. and N.
B. Khuong 1986. Neoaplectana
carpocapsae a
nematode parasite of insects. Nematology Circular 136. Florida
Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service, Division of Plant
Industry, Gainesville,
- Florida Nematology
- Taxonomy of Entomopathogenic
- Mole Cricket Control by
Entomopathogenic Nematodes
- Symbiotic Bacteria of
Entomopathogenic nematodes
- Diplogasterida,
Diplogasterina, Generic Identification
- Rhabditida,
Rhabditina, Generic Identification
- Rhabditida,
Cephalobina, Generic Identification
- Termite Nematode
- Mole-cricket
- Hermaphroditic stage of Heterorhabditis,
- The genus Steinernema
- Tylenchida
- History of Nematology
with pictures of Nematologists
- History
of entomophilic nematodes
- Duncan, L. W.&
K. B.Nguyen, 2006. Entomopathogenic
nematode for control of insect pets. United State Patent, patent number US
7, 014,859 B1., Date of patent: March, 21, 2006.
- Smart, Jr.,
G. C., K. B. Nguyen 1995. Biological control of Orthoptera
pest insects. United States Patent, patent number 5,466,448, date of
patent November, 14 1995
- Smart, Jr., G. C., K. B.
Nguyen and H. G. Fowler 1992. Biocontrol of mole
crickets (Scapteriscus sp.). United
States Patent, patent number: 5,165,930, date
November, 24 1992.
Nematodes: Systematics,
Phylogeny and Bacterial Symbionts. 2007 Ed. by K.B. Nguyen & D. Hunt. Brill, The Neitherland. 816 pp.
- Nguyen K. B., & Hunt, D.J. 2007. Heterorhabditidae: species description. In: Nguyen, k.B. & Hunt, D.J. (Eds). Entomopathogenic nematode:
Systematics, Phylogeny and bactrial symbionts. Nematology Monographs
and Perspectives, pp 611 - 692.
- Nguyen K. B.,
Hunt, D.J. & Mracek, Z. 2007. Steinernematidae: species
descriptions. In: Nguyen, k.B. & Hunt, D.J. (Eds). Entomopathogenic
Systematics, Phylogeny and bactrial symbionts. Nematology Monographs
and Perspectives, pp 121- 609.
- Nguyen K. B. 2007.
Methodology, morphology and identification. In: Nguyen, k.B. &
Hunt, D.J. (Eds). Entomopathogenic nematode: Systematics, Phylogeny and
bactrial symbionts. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives, pp 59-119.
- Nguyen, K. B. and G.
C. Smart, Jr. 2001. Taxonomy of insect parasitic nematodes. In :
Nematology, Advances and Perspective edited by Z. X. Chen, S. Y. Chen, and
D. W. Dickson.Tsinghua University Press, TUP,
China .
- Adam, B. J and K. B.
Nguyen. 2001. Taxonomy and systematics of
entomopathogenic nematodes. In: Entomopathogenic Nematology edited by R. Gaugler. CAB International of Wallingford,
Oxon OX10 8DE, United
- Smart,Jr., G. C. and K. B. Nguyen. 1994. Role
of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Pp. 231-252, In: Pest management in the subtropics. Biological
control - A Florida perspective edited by D. Rosen, F. D. Bennett and J.
L. Capinera. Intercept, Andover, UK.
- Smart,Jr., G. C. and K. B. Nguyen. 1991. Sting
and awl nematodes, Belonolaimus
spp. and Dolichodorus spp. Pp. 627-667,
In: Manual of Agricultural Nematology edited by W. R. Nickle.
Marcel Decker, New York.
- Smart, Jr. G. C. and K. B.
Nguyen. 1990. An illustrated key to the orders of soil-dwelling
nematodes. In: Plant Nematology, Laboratory manual, Revised Edition, edited
by B. M. Zuckerman, W. F. Mai and L. R Krusberg.
Agricultural Experiment Station, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- He was invited to teach a
class in Entomopathogenic Nematodes at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2010.
- He was invited to teach a
class in Entomopathogenic Nematodes at the University
of Agriculture in Beijing, China, April, 2006.
- He was invited to talk in
the COST meeting in Czech
Republic in January,
- He was invited to teach a
class in Insect Parasitic Nematodes in Campinas,
SP, Brazil,
November, 2004
- He was invited to teach
Insect Parasitic Nematodes in November 2004 in Institute
of Biological Control in Brazil.
- He was invited to talk at a
symposium of the Society of Nematologists meeting in 1998.
- He was invited to
participate in the Taxonomy Workshop on Taxonomy of Enttomopathogenic
Nematodes in England,
- He was invited to talk at 2
sessions of ONTA meeting in San
Antonio, Texas,
1991. Biological control of insect pests with entomophilic
nematodes. Problems in nematode identification and their implications.
- Editorial board of
Nematology from 2002-
- Associate editor of the
Journal of Nematology 1996-1999
- Chairman for 1991 and 1992
of Florida
Nematology Forum
- Member of:
a. Society of Nematologists
b. The Florida
Entomological Society
c. Gamma Sigma Delta
d. Sigma Xi
Updated March 2011[Beginning]