IJ body length more than 1,000 micrometers (um):1- Cuneus of gubernaculum V-shaped, spicule tip swollen with
2- Spicule tip with a distinct aperture
on ventral side, spicule
shaft long (FIG.
SEM).... S. glaseri (Nguyen & Smart, 1995)
Spicule tip without a distinct aperture,
spicule shaft
short or indistinct ....................................3
3- Spicule tip curved ventrally (FIG.
SEM) .......S. puertoricense
Spicule tip not curved ventrally.........................4
4- Spicule blade reduced suddenly
to form a tip with flattenned
terminus (FIG.
SEM)............................ S. longicaudum
Spicule blade reduced gradually
to form a bluntly rounded
tip (FIG.
SEM).. S. cubanum
IJ body length between 800 and 1,000 um:
1- Spicule head short, length/width
about 1 (FIG. SEM)....
Spicule head elongate, length/width
mor than 1.5 ........2
2- Lateral lobe well curved dorsally,
spicule tip bluntly
rounded (FIG.
SEM).................................. S. feltiae
Lateral lobe not curved dorsally,
spicule tip with a prominent
depression on ventral side (FIG.
SEM).... S. neocurtillae (Nguyen & Smart, 1992a)
IJ body length between 600 and 800 um:
Spicule long and wide, SL/SW averaging 4.2 (3.8-4.5), rostrum
prominent (FIG.
SEM).............................S. intermedium
Spicule not so long and wide, SL/SW
averaging 5.4 (4.9-5.8),
rostrum not so prominent ..............................2
2- Cuneus of gubernaculum arrowhead-shaped,
spicule head with
ventral projection, wider than long
SEM)......S. bicornutum
Cuneus of gubernaculum needle-shaped
or Y-shaped, spicule head
without ventralprojection, longer
than wide .......3
3- Spicule sickle-shaped, spicule
tip almost pointed; in ventral
view, gubernaculum neck almost as
wide as posterior corpus
SEM)........................................S. riobrave
Spicule not sickle-shaped, spicule
tip blunt, in ventral view,
gubernaculum tapering gradually
anteriorly to a narrow neck
SEM)....................................S. affine
IJ body length less than 600 um:
1- Spicule short, wide, SL/SW averaging
3.9 (3.6-4.25), spicule
tip usually slightly curved dorsally;
in ventral view, cuneus barely
seen (FIG.
SEM)..................................S. kushidai
Spicule long, thin, SL/SW averaging
5.4 (4.7-6.6), spicule tip not curved
dorsally, in ventral view, cuneus
prominent .........2
2- Spicule with long, prominent shaft,
spicule head directed dorsally,
in ventral view, gubernaculun enlarging
gradually to form posterior
corpus (FIG.
SEM).... S. scapterisci (Nguyen & Smart, 1990, 1992)
Spicule, with short shaft, spicule
head directed ventrally, in ventral view,
gubernaculum enlarging abruptly
to form posterior corpus
General shape: size, relative
curvature, and ratio SL/SW.
Spicule head: elongate, longer
than wide, wider than long, ventrally projected.
Shaft: relative length,prominent
or indistinct.
Spicule blade: curvature
(curved evenly to both ends, well curved anteriorly, posterior part slightly
curved or almost straight).
Lateral lobe of blade: extent
of tapering (anteriorly tapering to a point, not tapering,extended
to shaft and head region), curvature.
Ventral lobe of blade: enlargement
(enlarged anteriorly, dorsally, ventrally, not enlarged anteriorly).
Velum: presence or absence,
Spicule tip: curved ventrally,
dorsally, with a notch, aperture present, narrowed suddenly, flattened
or bluntly pointed terminus.
Ratio L/W in ventral view, enlarged
posteriorly abruptly or gradually.
Cuneus length and shape:
needle-shaped, Y-shaped, V-shaped, arrowhead-shaped, reaching posterior
end or not.
Wings of corpus: expanded
laterally or smooth.