Spicules and gubernacula of Steinernema scapterisci

Fig.SEM. Spicules averaging 83 micrometers long, dark brown in color, paired, uniformly curved, with head large and somewhat angular. Angle formed by shaft and blade of spicules averages 110 degrees (range 100-120). Shaft of spicules long when compared to those of other species of the genus, and appears to be encased in a sheath; blade tapers smoothly to end with posterior portion thinner than that for other species of Steinernema. A small aperture can be seen on ventral side close to tip of the blade. Each spicule has two internal ribs with variable termination point proximally. Gubernaculum boat-shaped, with anterior part thin, long and ventrally-curved. Spicules glide along gubernaculum in two grooves separated by a needle-, Y- or arrowhead-shaped cuneus.