Figure 1. Bursa of Heterorhabditis spp., ventral views, showing bursal papillae. A1, A2: H. megidis, ventral and lateral views showing 4 groups of bursal papillae (1, 2, 3, 3) and 3 papillae in terminal group; B1, B2: H. zealandica strain Florida and NZH3 respectively, ventral views showing 3 papillae in terminal group with the central papillae much shorter than others; C1, C2: H. marelatus, ventral views with little variation; D1, D2: H. bacteriophora strain GA2 and HP88 respectively, with 3 pairs of papillae in terminal group; E, F: H. indica (E1-E4 = strain India, F1-F4 = strain Mexico) with the number of papillae in the terminal group of bursal papillae variable. Scale bar (in C1) = 20 μm.
Figure 2: Bursa of Heterorhabditis mexicana. The terminal group usually has 2 pairs of papillae.