David P. Weingartner


Associate Professor (30% Research, 50% Administration, 20% Extension)

Employments Responsibilities

Research/Extension: Develop disease and nematode management strategies for vegetable crops grown in north Florida.

Teaching: Supervise MS and Ph.D. graduate students in the Departments of Plant Pathology and Entomology and Nematology.

Major Accomplishments:

Developed a management matrix for nematodes and soil borne diseases affecting potatoes grown in north Florida. The plan includes cover crops, resistant cultivars, and use of various chemicals. Adapted and implemented a late blight forecast and spray advisory system.

Honors and Awards: Outstanding Research Award, FFVA, 1975; Outstanding Paper Award, Vegetable Section, Florida State Horticultural Society, 1975; Outstanding Economic Nematology Paper Award, Society of Nematologists 1984; Kiwanis St. Johns Agricultural Award, April, 1993.

Professional Activities: President, Potato Association of America 1996-97; Editor, Nematicide Section, APS Fungicide and Nematicide Test Results; Co editor APS Compendium of Potato Diseases, 2nd ed. Reviewer National Potato Research Proposals, USDA, 1987-1995.

Consultations: St. Johns County School Board 1980-1996; Union Carbide Seed Potato Production Seminars, Argentina and Brazil 1984.

Grants and Contracts: 1990-1996 $465,210 (USDA APHIS, USDA NPIAP, USDA ARS, North Florida Growers Exchange, and Commercial).

Graduate Students



Career Publications: Selected Publications since 1990:

Book Chapter:


  1. Weingartner, D. P. and J. R. Shumaker. 1990. Effects of soil fumigants and aldicarb on bacterial wilt and root-knot nematodes in potato. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology (Annals of Applied Nematology) 22:681-688.

  2. Weingartner, D. P. and J. R. Shumaker. 1990. Effects of soil fumigants and aldicarb on nematodes, tuber quality and yield in potato. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology (Annals of Applied Nematology) 22:767-774.

  3. Weingartner, D. P. and J. R. Shumaker. 1990. Control of nematodes and soil-borne diseases in Florida potatoes with aldicarb and 1,3-D. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology (Annals of Applied Nematology) 22:775-778.

  4. McLaughlin, R. J., L. Sequeira, and D. P. Weingartner. 1990. Biocontrol of bacterial wilt of potato with an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas solanacearum: Interaction with root-knot nematodes. American Potato Journal 67:93-107.

  5. Weingartner, D. P. 1990. Biotic interactions affecting potato production. American Potato Journal 67:13-28.

  6. Weingartner, D. P. and J. R. Shumaker. 1990. Effects of soil fumigants and aldicarb on corky ringspot disease and trichodorid nematodes in potato. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology (Annals of Applied Nematology) 22:665-671.

  7. Fontem, D. A., A. D. Berger, D. P. Weingartner, and J. A. Bartz. 1991. Progress and spread of dark leaf spot on cabbage. Plant Disease 75:269-264.

  8. Locascio, S. J., J. A. Bartz, and D. P. Weingartner. 1992. Calcium and potassium fertilization of potatoes grown in north Florida. I. Effects on potato yield and tissue Ca and K concentrations. American Potato Journal. 60:95-104.

  9. Bartz, J. A., Locascio, S. J., and D. P. Weingartner. 1992. Calcium and potassium fertilization of potatoes grown in north Florida. II. Effect on the bacterial soft rot potential in the tuber. American Potato Journal. 60:39-50.

  10. Weingartner, D. P., R. McSorley, and R. W. Goth. 1993. Management strategies in potato for nematodes and soil-borne diseases in Subtropical Florida. Nematropica. 23:233-245.

  11. Inserra, R. N., R. McSorley, and D. P. Weingartner. 1996. Potato cyst nematodes, a potential menace to the potato industry of Florida. Proceedings Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida. Accepted.


  1. Weingartner, D. P. 1993. Reflections on the 1993 late blight epidemic relative to future disease management practices. Proceedings of the Florida Tomato Institute.

  2. Weingartner, D. P. 1994. Potato late blight epidemics of 1993 and 1994...short term problem or long term constraint on potato production. Proceedings of the Florida Tomato Institute.

  3. Weingartner, D. P. 1995. Late blight of tomato and potato...or who's on first? Proceedings of the Florida Tomato Institute.

  4. Weingartner, D. P. 1996. History of fungicide use in potatoes. Proceedings Zeneca Potato Research Symposium.


  1. Weingartner, D. P. 1990. Reduction in yields and specific gravity of Atlantic potato tubers associated with early blight epidemics in Florida. Abstract. American Potato Journal 67:587.

  2. Weingartner, D. P., Jill Meldrum, J. R. Shumaker, and Louis Wallis III. 1991. Influence of Indigofera hirsuta and Sorghum bicolor X S. arundinaceum var sudanense on nematodes, corky ringspot disease, and potato yields in Florida. Abstract. Nematopica 21:135.

  3. Weingartner, D. P., R. W. Goth, J. R. Shumaker, and Jill Meldrum. 1992. Incidence and severity of corky ringspot disease in 20 cultivars and 4 potato clones in nematicide treated and untreated soil. American Potato Journal. 69:614-615.

  4. Brown, L. G. and D. P. Weingartner. 1993. Survey for necrosis strains of potato virus Y in potato production areas of Florida. Phytopathology. 83:1400-1401.

  5. Weingartner, D. P. and L. G. Brown. 1993. Survey of Florida's potato industry for presence of PVYN and other potato viruses. American Potato Journal. 70:855.

  6. Weingartner, D. P., K. G. Haynes, R. W. Goth, and Jill Meldrum. 1994. High levels of field resistance to corky ringspot disease exist in USDA segregating families B1136 and B1176. American Potato Journal. 71:709.

  7. Perez, E. E., D. P. Weingartner, and R. McSorley. 1994. The potential for competition between nematodes on potato and cabbage in fumigated soil. Journal of Nematology. 26:563.

  8. Serracin, M., A. C. Schuerger, D. W. Dickson, D. P. Weingartner, and T. Hewlett. 1994. An alternative method of culturing Pasteuria penetrans. Journal of Nematology 26:565.

  9. Perez, E. E., R. McSorley, and D. P. Weingartner. 1995. Comparison of two techniques for extracting nematodes from soil. Journal of Nematology. 27:514.

  10. Weingartner, D. P., K. G. Haynes, R. W. Goth, and J. Meldrum. 1996. Additive and nonadditive gene effects are important in resistance to tuber brown rot. American Potato Journal 73:in press.

  11. Weingartner, D. P., Jill Meldrum, and Louis Wallis III. 1996. Incidence and severity of bacterial wilt, nematode population dynamics, and potato tuber yields in spring potato crops following five different summer cover crops. American Potato Journal. 73:in press.

  12. Haynes, K. G., D. P. Weingartner, J. Meldrum, and R. W. Goth. 1996. Additive gene effects are important in bacterial wilt resistance of Solanum tuberosum. American Potato Journal. 73:in press.

    Updated August 1997