Jimmy R. Rich
100% Research
1. Education
- B.S.A., University of Georgia (Agronomy)
- M.S., University of Georgia (Plant Pathology)
- Ph.D., University of California, Riverside (Plant Pathology)
2. Employment
- Professor (1986-present) University of Florida
- Associate Professor (1981-1986) University of Florida
- Assistant Professor (1976-1981) University of Florida
- Research Assistant (1973-1976) University of California, Riverside
3. Research Responsibilities
- The faculty member will be responsible for the development and implementation
of a comprehensive research program on nematodes that damage crop plants.
Emphasis will be placed on crops commonly or potentially produced in north
Florida. Work will include the identification, life cycles, habits, and
means of managing nematodes affecting these crop plants.
4. Accomplishments
- Demonstrated the value of utilizing root-knot nematode resistance as
an IPM tactic for north Florida stake tomato growers.
- Tested and developed chemical alternatives to methyl bromide for nematode
control in north Florida vegetable production systems.
- Through annual nematicide trials in cotton, peanut, tobacco and tomato
continued updating control recomendations for Florida growers.
- Developed threshold and/or pathogenicity data of three root-knot species
on six herbs and Paulownia tomentosa thought to be potentially promising
crops in north Florida.
- Determined that plant-parasitic nematodes pose little risk of damage
to perennial peanut, a rapidly expanding forage crop in Florida.
- Found that ground seed of hairy indigo, crotolaria and castor bean
suppressed root-knot nematode numbers dramatically at concentrations between
1 and 2% (v/v) of soil, a finding that could potentially be useful to homeowners.
5. Grants and Contracts
- Total $190,000 over last five years.
- USDA 1995- , Dow Elanco 1995- , Rhone-Poulenc 1994-1996, Abbott Laboratories
1994-, Florida Peanut Growers 1993-1996, Cotton Incorporated 1995- , Taylor
County Schools 1994-1997
6. Career Publications
- Books: 0
- Refereed Papers: 55
- Chapters in Books: 5
- Technical Publications: 90
7. Selected Publications
- Rich, J. R., F. M. Rhoads, D. O. Chellemi, and S. M. Olson. 1997. Sustainable
management of plant-parasitic nematodes in Florida fresh market vegetable
production systems. Nematropica 27: In Press.
- Rich, J. R., and D. J. Zimet. 1996. Economic importance of 1,3-dichloropropene
or fenamiphos to manage Meloidogyne javanica in Florida tobacco.
Nematropica 26:135-141.
- Rich, J.R., R.A. Dunn, W.D. Thomas, T.S. Tervola and J.W. Breman.1994.
Evaluation of fosthiazate for management of Meloidogyne javancia
in Florida flue-cured tobacco. Journal of Nematology 26:701-704.
- Rich, J.R., and Celia H. Hodge.1993.Utilization of blue crab scrap
compost to suppress Meloidogyne javancia on tomatoes. Nematropica
- Moreno, J.E., J.R. Rich, E.C. French, G.M. Prine and R.A. Dunn.1992.
Reactions of selected herbs to three Meloidogyne spp. Nematropica