Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of developmental stages of Pasteuria
penetrans (isolate P-100) parasitizing Meloidogyne arenaria race 2 cultured on
tomato plants (cv. Florida Petite) in a hydroponic system. A, B, C) Vegetative growth stage: (A)
mycelial colonies (mc); (B) Dichotomously branched thalli; (C) prominent bifurcation of the
vegetative mycelium and swollen thalli. D, E, F, G) Fragments of filamentours stages
differentiated: (D) quintets, (E) quartets, (F) triplets, (G) doublets fragments appear attached
near the centers of the cells (arrows). H, I, J) Sporulation: (H) swelling of terminal cells led to
the formation of the developing sporangia (en), followed by a change in shape from oval to
elliptical; (I) Arrow indicates remnants connecting hyphal strands of separated endospores. (J)
After the formation of the external membranes, the immature endospores appeared swollen at one
polar point, and several longitudinal lines or ridges (r) formed in the endospore wall. (K) Single
mature endospore within the sporangium. Bars = 1 micrometer.