Janete Brito
Curriculum Vitae
- B.A. Dec. 1981 Bahia State University, BA, Brazil
- M.A. Jul. 1986 Vicosa University, MG, Brazil (Plant Pathology)
- PhD in progress at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Ap.1982-Feb. 1983 Research Assistant, CNPMF-EMBRAPA, Cruz das Almas, B.A, Brazil
- Jan.1986-Aug. 1993 Nematologist, Parana Research Institute, Londrina, PR, Brazil
Society Membership:
- Brazilian Society of Nematology
- Society of Nematologist
Research Interests:
Molecular Biology; Biological Control of Nematodes
- McSorley, R., D.W, Dickson, J. A, Brito, T.E. Hewlett, and J. J. Frederick. 1994. Effects of Tropical Rotation Crops on
Meloidogyne arenaria Population Densities and Vegetable Yields in Microplots. Journal of Nematology 26:175-181.
- McSorley, R., D. W, Dickson, J. B, Brito, and R. C. Hochmuth. 1994. Tropical Rotations Crops Influence Nematode Densities and Vegetable Yields.
Journal fo Nematology 26:308-314.
- McSorley, R., D. W. Dickson, J. A, Brito. 1994. Host Status of Selected Tropical Rotation Crops to Four Populations of Root-Knot
Nematodes. Nematropica 24:45-53.
- McSorley, R., D. W. Dickson, J. A, Brito. 1995. Reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica on Sesame Varieties. Proceedings of Soil
and Crop Sciences Society of Florida 54:58-59.