December 2003

Faculty News

Dr. Barbra Larson is now working full time for the IPM Florida program as an assistant extension scientist, which is a non-tenure track position whose continuation depends on funding availability. She is responsible for IPM reporting, solicitation of external funding, and development of IPM extension projects in collaboration with extension agents and specialists. Her time had been split for the past year between IPM Florida and Dr. Howard Frank's bromeliad weevil project. That project, on which she had previously worked since 2000, involved biological control research, public education, and seed collection of endangered bromeliads. Dr. Larson graduated from this department in 1998, working on a research project on pest management in small-scale intercropping systems in Guatemala under Dr. Jerry Stimac. During 1999 she worked in the Pesticide Information Office writing crop profiles for the USDA.

Dr. Robin Giblin-Davis, nematologist at the UF/IFAS Ft. Lauderdale REC, was elected president of the international Society of Nematologists for 2003-2004. While this happened earlier this year, the editor didn't know about it until he read of it in an industry magazine.

An announcement for a 12-month, tenure-accruing, faculty position in insect physiology (50% research and 50% teaching) at the UF/IFAS Department of Entomology and Nematology, is now available on the department's Web site. The position is open until 1 March 2004 and the anticipated starting date is 1 July 2004.

Post-Doc News

Dr. Lucia Zappala returned to Italy after a year in Gainesville as a postdoctoral scientist in Dr. Marjorie Hoy's laboratory. She can be contacted at or Viale Tirreno 31, 95123, Catania, Italy. We wish her well in her future endeavors!

New Teaching Lab

As of early December, Jim Nation's old labs (3117-3118-3119) have been gutted and workers are now erecting a new wall and installing ducts. Completion is expected in early 2004 and the first classes will be scheduled during the Summer semester.


Cuda JP, Medal JC, Leen R, Johnson MT, Pedrosa-Macedo JH, Vitorino MD, Wikler C. 2003. Prospects for using weed biological control for source reduction of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Florida and Hawaii, erratum. In VanDriesche RG. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Honolulu, Hawaii, 14-18 January 2002. USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia, FHTET-2003-05, 573 pp.

Fasulo TR. (2003). Vegetable Insects I - computer-verified training/CEU tutorial. UF/IFAS. SW-171.

Fasulo TR. (2003). Vegetable Insects II - computer-verified training/CEU tutorial. UF/IFAS. SW-172.

Hamill JE, Liburd OE, Alm SR. 2003. Comparison of biodegradable, plastic and wooden insecticde-treated spheres for control of Rhagoletis mendax (Diptera: Tephritidae) flies. Florida Entomologist. 86: 206-210.

Hoy MA, Zappala L, Nguyen R. (November 2003). Citrus leafminer parasitoid, Semielacher petiolatus (Girault). UF/IFAS Featured Creatures. EENY-313.

Liburd OE, Finn EM, Pettit KL, Wise JC. 2003. Response of blueberry maggot fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) to imidacloprid-treated spheres and selected classes of insecticides. Canadian Entomologist 135: 427-438.

Long LS, Cuda JP, Stevens BR. 2003. Evaluation of the amino acid L-methionine for control of tobacco hornworm. Arthropod Management Tests, Vol. 28.

Rich J, Hendley SB. (November 2003). Introduction to plant parasitic nematodes and their management. UF/IFAS Presentations.

Shabana YM, Cuda JP, Charudattan R. 2003. Evaluation of pathogens as potential biocontrol agents of hydrilla. Journal of Phytopathology 151: 1-7.

Thomas MC. (November 2003). Twostriped walkingstick, Anisomorpha buprestoides (Stoll). UF/IFAS Featured Creatures, EENY-314.


Roxanne Burrus (Ph.D. student) was runner-up for combined Sections Cb2 (Apiculture and Social Insects), Cd1 (Behavior and Ecology) and Fb (Urban Entomology), during the ten-minute student paper competition at the 2003 ESA Annual Meeting. Since only a first place winner is listed that actually means Roxane came in second. Ms. Burrus says she is thrilled and feels honored to have represented the department. John Capinera says the department is also thrilled as "...this is a tough national competition and placing is quite an honor." The title of Roxanne's paper was "Monomorium pharaonis (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) food preferences of patient-care fluids in hospital environments." Congratulations!

Pamela Howell, one of our senior word processors, is an IFAS Division winner of a Superior Accomplishment award in the Clerical/Office Support category. During a reception scheduled for March, she will receive a check for $200, a certificate and a set of commemorative coffee mugs. Pam will then be considered with honorees from other university divisions in this category for the University level award. This is a well-deserved award as Pam sits in her cubicle all day typing and formatting extension and research papers and books for many of our faculty. One of her most recent accomplishments was typing and formatting the entire 2400-page Encyclopedia of Entomology so it could be sent to the publishers. If you would like to be present to congratulate Pam, the award ceremony is March 25 at 2:00 PM in the Salon A & E Grand Ballroom, J. Wayne Reitz Union. Congratulations!

Meetings and Presentations

Rebecca Baldwin presented a paper on "The toxicity of household cleaners to urban pests," at the 2003 Entomological Society of America (ESA) meeting in October. Lucy Treadwell and Dr. James Cuda presented a poster on "Effects of defoliation on growth and fruit production of Brazilian pepper tree, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae)," at the 7th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPI) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on 3-7 November, 2003.

Dr. James P. Cuda gave an invited oral presentation on, "Classical biological control of Brazilian peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida: progress and problems," at the 30th Annual Conference on Ecosystems Restoration and Creation in Tampa, Florida, on 30-31 October, 2003.

Dr. James P. Cuda was invited to give an oral presentation at the 7th EMAPI. The presentation was, "Potential of UAV technology for monitoring biocontrol agents on tree weeds: Brazilian peppertree feasibility study," and was co-authored by Dr. Bill Overholt and Lucy Treadwell.

Posters Posted

Announce new posters or other displays in Building 970. Send author(s) and title to Include location so interested parties can locate it.

Martin CG, Cuda JP, Awadzi KD, Medal JC, Habeck DH, Pedrosa-Macedo JH. "Biology and laboratory rearing of Episimus utilis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a candidate for classical biological control of Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae), in Florida." Across from 2105.

Treadwell LW, Cuda JP. "Effect of defoliation on growth and fruit production of Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthfolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae)." Across from 2105.

Spring Seminar

During Spring Semester 2004, a graduate seminar will be offered on Symbiosis. It will be of interest to both entomology and nematology graduate students. Nematologists will be interested because exciting research is going on regarding symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes (for example, the complete genome of Photorhabdus luminescens was just sequenced). Insects and symbionts are also in the news for many reasons. The one-unit seminar (ENY 6932) will be offered on Tuesdays during eighth and ninth periods. For more information please contact Dr. Marjorie Hoy at or 352-1901, ext. 153. - Dr. Hoy.

Beetle Genome

Speaking of genomes... Scientists will soon have access to the entire genetic blueprint of a key agricultural pest, the red flour beetle.


Drs. James P. Cuda and Julio Medal received $75,000 from the South Florida Water Management District to continue their overseas research on classical biological control of Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae).

Drs. James P. Cuda and Julio Medal received $104,216 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to continue biological and host range studies on candidate natural enemies for biological control of Brazilian peppertree.

Drs. James P. Cuda and Julio Medal received $24,977 from the USDA CSREES T-STAR Caribbean program to continue biological control research on the invasive strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum (Myratceae), for Caribbean fruit fly suppression.

Drs. William Overholt and James P. Cuda received $7,800 from the Center for Natural Resources, Invasive Plant Research Program, to investigate using remote sensing to monitor management of Brazilian peppertree in central Florida.

Outreach Activities

On 7 October, Rebecca Baldwin and Justin Harbison presented a "Fun With Bugs" afternoon for over 40 students at Windsor Christian Academy. The children were entertained with a Bug Zoo, and creepy cuisine and then sat down to a hands-on workshop where they made insect nets and boxes and learned how to curate insects.

On 5 November, undergraduate students from the University of Central Florida were treated to a tour of the department. Thanks to all who made their tour possible: Trevor Smith, Rebecca Baldwin, Daniel Frank, Pete Coon and Roi Levin.

On 13 November, Erika Anderson, Justin Harbison, and Rebecca Baldwin presented a "What is Bugging Me?" workshop to over 60 students at Friendship Academy in Keystone Heights. The students learned about what insects are and how they are important to us. They also learned about insect mouthpart adaptations and were treated to some insect cuisine and had some fun with the insect petting zoo.

Rebecca Baldwin presented a "Meet the Bugs" workshop at the Bradford County Farm City Celebration on November 18. Over 100 children participated in the workshop.

Anyone interested in our Insect Outreach program should contact Justin Harbison at 352-392-1901.

Entomology Index

Speaking of reaching out... The Entomology Index of Internet Resources at Iowa State University is a great place to list your electronic resources in entomology. Webmaster John Vandyk has made it easy to automatically list your materials. Rebecca Baldwin recently listed her online course and Thomas Fasulo added a few of the new Web sites and CDs he developed. This is where entomologists and many others usually start when they want to find an entomological Internet resource.

Linnaean Games

The departmental Linnaean Team will compete at the ESA Southeastern branch meeting in February. Please wish them luck and hurl insect trivia at them as you pass them in the halls. The members include: Emily Heffernan (coach), Luis Matos, Leslie Rios, Shane Hill, Matt Aubuchon, Rebecca Baldwin (alternate).

Arthropod Hoaxes

A number of them make their way around the Internet, and it is sometimes surprising who believes them. In addition, entomologists often are bugged by calls from panic-stricken persons fearing for their safety. A new file (12/04/03) on Pest Alert covers some of the more recent hoaxes, with links to sites that can assuage the nervous.

Featured Creatures

The UF/IFAS Department of Entomology and Nematology and the FDACS Division of Plant Industry now have over 315 UF/IFAS publications on the Featured Creatures WWW site, with more undergoing development. During November 2003, the Featured Creatures Web site recorded 103,630 distinct visitors and 192,512 page views.

New text and/or photographs were added to the files on: land planarians and deer flies.

Home for the Holidays

As a result of new university regulations and benefits, there will be limited staffing on campus and at RECs during the period 25 December - 1 January. Please ask your insect, mite and nematode pests to postpone their depredations until after the holidays.

Newsletter Minutia

Thomas Fasulo is the newsletter editor. Please send submissions to him at Issues are published about the middle of each month. Items for each month's issue should be sent no later than the 10th of that month.

Printed copies are distributed only within Building 970. A notice is sent to all those on the UF-Bugnews-l listserv when HTML and PDF copies are posted on the newsletter Web site at , which contains instructions for subscribing and unsubscribing to the listserv. Andy Koehler does the coding for the HTML version.

During November 2003, the newsletter Web site recorded 3,267 distinct visitors and 5,608 page views. The newsletter listserv has 231 subscribers.

December 2003.