Graduation - Spring 2008
Spring 2008 Graduation ceremony- (from left)
Dr. Jim Maruniak, Dr. Leslie Rios (Maruniak's Ph.D student),
Dr. Rodrigo Diaz (Dr. Bill Overholt's Ph.D student),
Dr. Veronica Manrique (Cuda's Ph.D student), and Dr. Jim Cuda.
Dr. James Cuda, Dr. Veronica Manrique, and Dr. Rodrigo Diaz.
Veronica and Rodrigo traveled to Argentina after graduation to be married.
Veronica's Thesis title was "Evaluation of Two Candidate Biological Control Agents Against Brazilian Peppertree."
She will probably be a post-doc at the UF/IFAS Biocontrol Research & Containment Laboratory in Ft. Pierce.
Rodrigo's Thesis title was "Ecology of West Indian Marsh Grass, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, and its potential
biological control agent the blissid bug, Ischnodemus variegates." He also will be a post-doc at the
UF/IFAS Biocontrol Research & Containment Laboratory in Ft. Pierce.
Thomas Fasulo is the newsletter editor. You can submit news anytime to Issues are published the middle of each month. Submit items for an issue by the 7th of that month. However, the detailed articles, such as this Web page, are edited by Hope Johnson ( and must be submitted before the first of the month for that month's HTML version only.
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