fireflyer companion  

The Fireflyer Companion is published using Adobe Acrobat.©

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The following (underlined) issues are available for viewing:

Volume 1, Number 1, pages 1-12
Volume 1, Number 2, pages 13-32
Volume 1, Number 3, pages 33-52
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 53-76

Additional material written by Professor Lloyd for the Florida Entomologist:

Lloyd, James E. September 2000. On Research and Entomological Education IV: Quantifying Male Search in a Perfect Insect — Seeking True Facts and Insight (Coleoptera: Lampyridae, Photinus) Florida Entomologist 83(3): 211-228.

additional color illustrations from the above paper (HTML)

From the Behavioral Ecology Symposium 1997 as published in the the Florida Entomologist:

Lloyd, J.E. Sept. 1998. On Research and Entomological Education II: A Conditional Mating Strategy and Resource-Sustained Lek (?) In a Classroom Firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Photinus). Florida Entomologist 81(3):261-272.

additional color illustrations from the above paper (HTML)

Lloyd, J.E. June 1997. On research and entomological education, and a different light in the lives of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae; Pyractomena) Florida Entomologist 80(2):120-131.

additional color illustrations from the above paper. (HTML)

This Web site is sponsored by:

Department of Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0620

Every attempt has been made to reproduce the original newsletters verbatim, however some items, especially graphics, have lost some quality in the translation to the Web. Anyone desiring hard copies of the original issues may request them through the e-mail address below. Please send your name and address (snail mail).

If you have comments or suggestions about this web site please contact:

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Who is the Firefly 

The Firefly Doc is 
James E. Lloyd.

Professor Lloyd 
teaches in the 
Department of 
Entomology & 
Nematology at the 
University of Florida.

He has studied fireflies 
all over the world 
since 1962.

What is the Fireflyer 
Companion & Letter?

It is a newsletter/
aimed at no one in 
particular and everyone 
in general.

What is a Fireflyer?

Fireflyer. firefly + er. 
n. abbrv. for firefly 
chaser. A person who 
thinks a lot about 