UF/IFAS Hydrilla IPM RAMP has partnered with Florida LAKEWATCH
We want to let you know how we are distributing information on hydrilla management to Florida’s citizens in partnership with Florida LAKEWATCH.
Florida LAKEWATCH is a lake monitoring program that has brought science to citizens since 1986 by engaging them in sampling water bodies in Florida. Every year, the volunteering citizens attend regional meetings during which they receive updates on sampling efforts, results from water quality assessments, and new information on pressing issues regarding our state’s freshwater resources.
Research at UF/IFAS is ongoing to evaluate novel and sustainable management tactics and to help develop integrated pest management (IPM) plans for hydrilla. As the new information becomes available, the UF/IFAS Extension team aims to distribute it to as many people as possible. The partnership with Florida LAKEWATCH has helped us reach citizens who are directly involved in lake health monitoring.
During the 2014 LAKEWATCH meetings, the UF/IFAS Extension team will deliver face-to-face training on hydrilla IPM to citizens from 43 counties in Florida. The participants complete pre- and post-training evaluations at each meeting. So far, we found that the on-site training sessions changed the way 91% of participants think about hydrilla management and that 98% will share their gained knowledge with the people they know.
The photo above shows our question board for hydrilla IPM stakeholders participating in the regional LAKEWATCH meetings. Participants are aware of many problems caused by hydrilla in Florida and will share the new information on hydrilla IPM with other people.
Above you see Dr. Emma Weeks from the UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department giving an on-site training on hydrilla IPM to Florida LAKEWATCH volunteers at the Osceola County annual regional meeting, which was held at the UF/IFAS Osceola County Extension office in Kissimmee, FL.
We will present more results at the annual conference of the UF/IFAS Extension Professionals Association of Florida (EPAF) at Panama City Beach, FL, from August 25-29, 2014. If you attend this conference, look for our exhibition and educational materials. You can pick up brochures, booklets, and a brand-new Hydrilla IPM Guide with detailed information on hydrilla identification, biology, management techniques (in general and in specific water bodies), and current IPM tactics under investigation.
If you will not be at EPAF, be assured that we will provide more information on our LAKEWATCH partnership and how you can get your hands on a copy of the Hydrilla IPM Guide that will be available in late August.
As always, we acknowledge the funding provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (grant 2010-02825).