Sixth metasomal sternum not or little constricted apically..C. mitchelli
Sixth metasomal sternum conspicuously constricted subapically..C. immaculatus
Interocellar distance greater than ocellar-occipital distance..C. mitchelli
Interocellar distance subequal to or slightly less than ocellooccipital distance..C. immaculatus
County Records: Alachua, Listed for Florida by Mitchell; Baker's map shows it throughout Florida, including the panhandle, north and central peninsula but no specimens from south of Lake Okeechobee in Southern Florida.
Locations: Gainesville
Dates: March and April
Notes: Found from Kansas to Texas in the plains and from N. Jersey to Florida along the Atlantic states.
County Records: Alachua, Leon
Locations: Gainesville, San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park, Tallahassee
Dates: April-June
Notes: Found sparingly across the southern U.S. No photos of males available.