These bees do not use leaves to construct their nest but use resin, mud, or other materials. Of the four species recorded for Florida, M. georgica is the most common and widespread species, ranging from the northern counties to the Florida Keys.
Clypeus less modified, flattened, either entire apically or dentate or emarginate..2
Clypeal margin entire, neither denticulate nor emarginate..M. georgica
Clypeal margin either denticulate, tuberculate, or emarginate..3
Clypeal margin with a median denticule..M. exilis parexilis
Clypeal margin emarginate medially, with no indication of a median denticle..M. campanulae
Note: usually with two denticles flanking the median emargination
Mandible without an inferior projection..M. rugifrons
Mandible with a definite inferior projection ..2
Front tarsi dark, only slightly dilated and flattenend..M. campanulae
Front tarsi ferruginous, at least the basal joints distinctly dilated and flattened..3
Front coxae with well-developed, though short, spines..M.georgica
Front coxal spines reduced to minute tubercles ..M. exilis parexilis
Note: M. georgica and M. rugifrons have oblique lines of tomentum on the anterior scutum lacking on M. campanulae and M. exilis. Males of each species have distinctive forelegs, see photos.
County Records: M. campanulae wilmingtoni is the subspecies found in Florida: Alachua, St. Johns, Miami-Dade
Locations: Gainesville (San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park), Crescent City
Dates: Feb.-Nov
Plants: Polylectic, often on legumes or composites
Notes: Subspecies wilmingtoni is the southeastern coastal form of M. campanulae. Nests in borings in wood. The female of M. campanulae campanulae is smaller than M. campanulae wilmingtoni (10-11 mm vs. 11-12 mm), has entirely pale pubescence on the sixth tergum vs. whitish and short erect black hairs; and has lightly infuscated wings vs. deeply infuscated wings. Males can be separated on the basis of size and wing infuscation, similar to females.
County Records: Alachua, Highlands
Locations: Gainesville, Archbold Biological Station
Dates: March-October
Plants: Polylectic, primarily legumes
Notes: Nests in borings. Primarily a southeastern species.
County Records: Alachua, Putnam, Levy, Highlands, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Volusia, Leon, Wakulla (Probably throughout)
Locations: Gainesville (Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park, San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park, Austin Cary Forest), Goethe State Forest, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station, Archbold Biological Station, Hollywood, No Name Key, Titusville, Miami
Dates: March-November
Plants: Polylectic, primarily legumes
Notes: Nests in borings. Primarily a southeastern species.
County Records: None from FSCA. Baker/Columbia, also collected in Wakulla Co. (not shown on map)
Plants: Polylectic
Notes: Widespread species.