
Genus Anthophora Latreille, one taxon

    The one species known from Florida, Anthophora abrupta Say, is in the subgenus Melea Sandhouse. This species forms aggregated nests in hard-packed clay banks. This bee superficially resembles a small bumblebee.


Apidae: Anthophora abrupta Say

County Records: Lee, Liberty

antabr.jpg (71163 bytes)


Dates: Mitchell reports March-September across the entire range.

Plants: polylectic

Notes: This bee might be found elsewhere in Florida or is it as restricted as the distribution above suggests?

Male: antabrmaleface.JPG (39108 bytes) antabrmaleeye.JPG (49225 bytes) antabrmaleantenna.JPG (33917 bytes) antabrmalelabrum.JPG (42425 bytes) antabrmalemalarspace.JPG (49998 bytes) antabrmalemalarspace2.JPG (49656 bytes) antabrmaletongue.JPG (28601 bytes) antabrmaletongueclose.JPG (20760 bytes) antabrmalevertex.JPG (56425 bytes)antabrmalevertexfar.JPG (44640 bytes) antabrmalewing.JPG (44061 bytes) antabrmalewing2.JPG (30975 bytes) antabrmaleside.JPG (40027 bytes) antabrmaleside2.JPG (49260 bytes) antabrmalescutum.JPG (49139 bytes) antabrmalescutellum.JPG (54601 bytes) antabrmaletarsi.JPG (20113 bytes) antabrmaletergatop.JPG (51008 bytes) antabrmaletergatop2.JPG (46590 bytes) antabrmaletergum7.JPG (53605 bytes) antabrmalerearlegs.JPG (36399 bytes)