City of Gainesville
Emergency Southern Pine Beetle Suppression Program
- The City will immediately undertake a public education campaign to inform citizens about the Southern Pine Beetle Suppression Program.
- The City will seek grants and aid from the Florida Division of Forestry and U.S. Forestry Service and any other governmental agency for any eligible expenses and costs to the City.
- The City will undertake the removal of infested trees from City-owned properties including parks and rights-of-way immediately.
- Through Section 30-254(h), the City Manager will waive the permit requirements for trees infested with Southern Pine Beetles provided the Florida Division of Forestry has verified the Southern Pine Beetle infestation in said trees. This authorization will expire with the expiration of the program.
- The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, will identify the presence of Southern Pine Beetles in pine trees in Gainesville, marking and listing each infested tree and informing the property owner.
- Property owner must contact the City within 48 hours (two business days) [subsequently amended to 72 hours (three business days)] and execute the City’s contract to participate in this program. Property owners will be charged one-half the City's direct cost for cutting and spraying of each infested tree. The City will be responsible for the remainder of the cost.
- Cutting of infested trees will begin after property owners have signed a contract prepared by the City Attorney. Trunks and stumps will be sprayed with insecticide. No part of the tree will be removed from the site by the City. The homeowner should take immediate action to properly dispose of treetops and trunks.
- The City may implement a mandatory compliance program for those owners who failed to remove infested trees.
Prepared 28 Aug 2001. Last modified 19 Dec 2001.
Send comments and suggestions to John