Much of the information on this site was provided by a large number of cooperators associated with educational, professional and government organizations. The document was produced through a joint effort of the University of Florida's Entomology and Nematology Department and the American Mosquito Control Association.
This information is provided with the understanding that the resulting online and PDF versions of the manual manual is freely available to organizations for educational purposes. In addition, individuals and organizations interested in public health pest control have the right to print and distribute the HTML and PDF versions of the manual as they appear on this WWW site, as long as it is without cost. The copyright holder has no obligation to cover any expenses related to duplication and handling.
A WordPerfect and Word version of the completed manual was provided to state pesticide coordinators of land grant educational institutions and government agencies (as provided in the grant). These organizations have the right to modify that manual for use in their regions or in related educational publications. However, information in modified versions becomes the responsibility of those organizations making the modifications.
In any such publications, the following credit line must be prominently displayed:
Information in this publication obtained from the University of Florida
and the American Mosquito Control Association at the Public Health
Pest Control WWW site at .
However, all photographs bearing the letters "UF" are copyrighted by the University of Florida. Permission to use photographs with a UF logo must be requested for any commercial use, including free brochures or Web sites. Educational or non-profit organizations have permission to use photographs with a UF logo. This applies only to photographs on the Public Health Pest Control Web site.
Finally, the WWW lists under "Related Links - by Location - by Subject" are copyrighted by the University of Florida.