Insect Quiz #2
You will be given 5 Name-That-Bug images and 5 Bugster's Trivia Questions.
What is this insect?

- Shield bug
- Water bug
- Roach
- Mole cricket
Why are bees important to plants?
- They spread the seeds
- Bees help to spread the pollen
- They spread viruses
- Helps them live longer
How is an insect's circulatory (blood) system different than a human's?
- An insect's circulatory system is open and flows free in the body cavity
- An insect has more veins
- An insect's blood is green
- An insect doesn't have a circulatory system.
What is this insect?

- Leaf-footed bug
- Stink bug
- Assassin bug
- Shield bug
When a mosquito bites you, is it a female or a male?
- Female
- Male
What is this insect?

- Water bug
- June bug
- March fly
- Diving beetle
What are some ways to control and kill the medfly?
- Spray chemicals
- All are correct
- Turn loose sterile male flies so female flies cannot get pregnant
- Quarantine infect crops
What is this insect?

- Horse fly
- Leafhopper
- Deer fly
- Cicada
What is this insect?

- Damselfly
- Dragonfly
- Owlfly
- Deer fly
What is a medfly?
- Medical-Use Fly
- Medieval Plague Fly
- Mid-eastern Fly
- Mediterranean Fruit Fly