Insect Mania


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1              2    
3        4    5        
  8     9        10     
12    13              
       14     15      


3. Egg, _________________, Adult (incomplete metamorphosis)
4. An arthropod with eight legs is a member of this group.
6. The type of skeleton insects have.
7. Members of the arachnid class.
8. A member of the crustacean class.
11. When an arthropod sheds its old skeleton, it is _____________.
12. A grasshopper uses its mouthparts to _____________ its food.
14. The last stage of metamorphosis.
16. Crustaceans have at least __________ legs.


1. An arthropod with six legs is a member of this group.
2. Insects have __________ legs.
5. Another name for insects.
7. The mosquito has mouthparts like a ____________.
9. A social insect that pollinates flowers.
10. An arachnid has _____________ legs.
13. Every arthropod begins life as an ____________.
14. A social insect that live underground in mounds.
15. Egg, ___________, Pupa, Adult (complete metamorphosis)