In addition to the species in the key, Mitchell listed H. modestus as also occurring in Florida. No specimens of this species from Florida have been seen.
Collar maculated…3
Abdomen entirely black; thorax coarsely sculptured; wings fuliginous except at base..H. schwarzii
Tegulae not maculated…5
Clypeus and abdomen black..H. confluens
Clypeus black, lateral face marks yellow..6
Second abdominal segment, and mid and hind femora black; apical half of wings infuscated…H. ornatus
In the above key to females, H. volusiensis comes out in two places due to variation in whether the tegulae are maculated or not.
Pleura with distinctly separated punctures, though these punctures possibly coarse and and quite close…5
Collar maculated…4
Abdomen entirely black; pleura not so definitely rugose, the coarse punctures slightly separated in part. .H. schwarzii
Tegulae entirely dark; punctures on scutellum distinctly more coarse and sparse than those on scutum; base of abdomen red…H. ornatus
Abdomen of uniform color, either black or dark ferrugino-piceous; maculae usually yellow; larger (7mm), collar entirely black, pleura dull and densely rugose..H. schwarzii
Note that males of H. flammipes have not been described. H. schwarzii comes out in 2 locations in the key based on variation in rugosity of the pleura. I have also verified that the maculation of the tegulae varies in H. confluens (absent in a few individuals)
County Records: Baker, Columbia, Highlands, Leon, Miami-Dade, Wakulla
County Records: Citrus
Notes: This is based on a collection of a single female. If still extant and a valid species, probably of conservation concern? Endemic to Florida. No photos are available.
County Records: no specimens in FSCA
Notes: Mitchell lists this species for Florida. A wetland species based on floral records in Mitchell. No photos are available at this date.
County Records: Alachua, Highlands
Locations: This has also been taken in Lowndes County, Georgia.
Plants: Salix
County Records: Alachua, Collier, Highlands, Miami-Dade
Dates: April-December (Mitchell)
Plants: wetland plants
Notes: A wetland species, extremely common in wet prairies of the Everglades. Particularly abundant on Oxypolis sp.
County Records: Miami-Dade, Volusia
Dates: March-May
Plants: Notes: Endemic to Southeastern Florida