This is a group that has been accorded generic status as Habralictellus, as a subgenus of Dialictus, and with Dialictus as a subgenus or group of the larger genus Lasioglossum. For a full description, see M. S. Engel. 2001. Three new Habralictellus bee species from the Caribbean (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Solenodon 1: 33-37.
County Records: Known only from Miami-Dade
Localities: University of Miami Gifford Arboretum (Coral Gables, FL)
Plants: Ardisia escallonioides, Calyptranthes pallens
Notes: Recently described by Engel (2001); known from the Bahamas (Eleuthera) and Cuba (Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Paredon). Its status in Florida is unknown; four females were collected by J. Pascarella in 1996-1997 while they were foraging in the University of Miami arboretum. Perhaps it is a recent immigrant brought to Florida by a hurricane or tropical storm. There are no previous records of this very distinctive bee.