This tribe of fast-flying, large, robust bees, lack arolia. Many collect floral oils, particularly from the Malphigiaceae, Krameriaceae, or Calceolaria. The only genus present in Florida is the genus Centris.
This genus consists of two taxa found in two subgenera. Centris lanosa is likely to occur throughout the state although there are relatively few records but they span the entire peninsula and eastern panhandle. In contrast, C. errans is only found in Monroe and Miami-Dade counties.
1. Secondary basitibial plate with distinct overhanging margin…subgenus Centris
Secondary basitibial plate without distinct overhanging margin or with slight overhang on anterior side of plate…subgenus Paracentris
1. Giant branched setae scattered along inner margin of apical styliform projection of gonocoxite; metasoma at least feebly metallic, often extensively maculate with yellow..Centris
Giant branched setae restricted to region near base of gonostylus; gonocoxite without apical projection or with projection less than half as long as gonostylus; metasoma usually not metallic and without extensive yellow maculae or bands..Paracentris
Clypeus entirely black; abdomen black, without metallic reflections..Centris lanosa
Clypeus yellow apically and along midline above; abdomen largely ferruginous, with tergum 1 and median areas of 2-4 metallic green....Centris errans
Clypeus entirely yellow; legs, except the more apical tarsal segments, piceous; abdominal terga beyond the base largely black....Centris lanosa
Clypeus with narrow black lines along the lateral margins; abdomen ferruginous in large part...Centris errans
County Records: Miami-Dade, Monroe
Locations: Bahia Honda, Big Coppet Key, Big Pine Key, Everglades National Park, Fleming Key, Homestead, Key West, No Name Key, Stock Island, Subtropical Experiment Station, Sugarloaf Key
Dates: March 20-June 12; March: 2, April: 10, May: 6, June: 2
Plants: often collected on Byrsonima spicata (Malphigiaceae)
Notes: This species is restricted to the two southern counties, found only in pineland in association with its floral host.
County Records: Alachua, Gilchrist, Leon (Pascarella), Miami-Dade
Locations: Coral Gables, Tall Timbers, Trenton
Dates: April 14-August, November-December
Plants: polylectic
Notes: This species probably occurs throughout Florida. Its northern and western limit is unknown but it has not been reported from Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana.