County Records: Highlands, Leon, Miami-Dade (Lit), Okaloosa (Lit). Also collected in Thomas County, GA.
Locations: Archbold Biological Station; Tall Timbers Research Station.
Dates. Females: none Males: Sept. 5, 1983; Michener reports Sept.-Oct., I have collected males and females in November in Thomas Co., GA and females in October in Leon county, Florida.
Notes: Although not endemic to Florida, this species is the only bee in the Rare and Endangered Invertebrates of Florida (Deyrup 1994). A population that existed in Miami-Dade County is believed to be extirpated. This species is restricted to sand hill regions of the southeastern United States.
Michener, C. D. 1966. The classification of the Diphaglossinae and North American species of the genus Caupolicana (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 46(20): 717-751.
Michener, C. D. 2000. Bees of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA. 913 p.
Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. Volume I. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 141, 538 p.