
Subgenus Alloperdita (6 species, spring-early summer flying)

Key to Alloperdita. Modified from Mitchell and Timberlake.


  1. Abdominal terga entirely dark, without pale maculations.. P. mitchelli
  2. permitfemtergatop.JPG (58283 bytes)

    -----Abdominal terga with conspicuous, transverse, yellowish maculae…2

    perbrafemtergatop.JPG (45202 bytes) perflofemtergatop.JPG (50317 bytes) perobsfemtergatop.JPG (54353 bytes)

  3. Length of face slightly less than distance between outer margin of eyes…3
  4. perbrafemface.JPG (50881 bytes) perobsfemface.JPG (43780 bytes)

    -----Length of face somewhat exceeding distance between outer margin of eyes…4

    perflofemface.JPG (48064 bytes)

  5. Clypeus with a broad, median, yellow stripe, sometimes entirely yellow; pronotum with a pair of yellow maculae; glossa and maxillae very short…..P. bradleyi
  6. perbrafemface.JPG (50881 bytes) perbrafemscutum.JPG (53549 bytes)

    ----Similar to bradleyi and having well-developed face marks...P. townesi.

    ----Clypeus either entirely dark or with a very narrow, median, yellow line; pronotum without maculae; glossa and maxillae elongate….P. obscurata

    perobsfemface.JPG (43780 bytes) perobsfemvertex.JPG (49096 bytes)

  7. Face narrow and more elongate, length much greater than distance between eyes; lateral facial maculae small, not extending above upper margin of clypeus; pronotum not maculated…P. novae-angliae

----Face somewhat broader; lateral facial maculae extending narrowly along eye margin to level of antennae; pronotum with a pair of yellow maculae…P. floridensis

perflofemface.JPG (48064 bytes)  perflofemscutum.JPG (56747 bytes)


  1. Cheeks beneath tuberculate or spinose..P. mitchelli
  2. permitmaleside.JPG (40292 bytes)

    ----Cheeks at most only slightly protuberant beneath…2

    perbramalefaceside.JPG (48054 bytes) perflomalefaceside.JPG (50898 bytes) perobsmalefaceside.JPG (44476 bytes) pertowmaleside.JPG (30516 bytes)

  3. Face entirely yellow below level of antennae, and scape entirely yellow..3
  4. pertowmaleface.JPG (45411 bytes) perbramaleface.JPG (49327 bytes)

    ---At least the supraclypeal area in large part greenish…4

    perflomaleface.JPG (53264 bytes) perobsmaleface.JPG (49520 bytes)

  5. More completely yellow beneath level of antenna, mesoplectus with yellow T-mark..P. townesi

pertowmaleface.JPG (45411 bytes)

---Less completely yellow beneath level of antenna, lacking mesoplectus T-mark..P. bradleyi

perbramaleface.JPG (49327 bytes)

  1. –Face broader, its median length considerably less than width to outer margin of eyes; cheeks above subequal to eyes in width..P. obscurata

perobsmaleface.JPG (49520 bytes) perobsmalefaceside.JPG (44476 bytes)

----Face more elongate, its median length equal to or greater than width to outer margin of eyes; cheeks narrower than eyes…5

perflomaleface.JPG (53264 bytes) perflomalefaceside.JPG (50898 bytes)

  1. Clypeus entirely yellow; lateral facial maculae large and conspicuous, reaching level of antennae on eye margin...P. floridensis

perflomaleface.JPG (53264 bytes)

---Clypeus dark in large part, and face without yellow maculations….P. novae-angliae


Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) bradleyi Viereck

County Records: Baker, Highlands

Perbra.gif (17618 bytes)

Locations: Glen St. Mary, Highlands Hammock

Dates: April 3

Plant: Prunus serotina, Mitchell lists Vaccinium, Crataegus, Ilex, Nyssa, Pyracantha, Sarracenia, and Hydrocotyle

Notes: New Jersey-Florida, March to May, closely resembles P. obscurata and P. townesi. P. bradleyi may occasionally lack the intercalary cell.

Female: perbrafemfront.JPG (36218 bytes) perbrafemface.JPG (50881 bytes) perbrafemfaceside.JPG (39153 bytes) perbrafemvertex.JPG (45921 bytes) perbrafemwing.JPG (37886 bytes) perbrafemscutum.JPG (53549 bytes) perbrafempropodeum.JPG (56652 bytes) perbrafemtergatop.JPG (45202 bytes) perbrafemmesepisternum.JPG (59581 bytes) perbrafemscopa.JPG (40790 bytes) perbrafemscopa2.JPG (42324 bytes)

Male: perbramaleface.JPG (49327 bytes) perbramaleface2.JPG (44670 bytes) perbramalefaceside.JPG (48054 bytes) perbramalevertex.JPG (52664 bytes) perbramalewing.JPG (40254 bytes) perbramalepronotumside.JPG (58866 bytes) perbramalescutum.JPG (52444 bytes) perbramalescutellum.JPG (54085 bytes) perbramaletergatop.JPG (41775 bytes) perbramaletergalast.JPG (37461 bytes) perbramaleside.JPG (42384 bytes) perbramalebelow.JPG (45560 bytes) perbramaletarsalclaw.JPG (35790 bytes) 


Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) floridensis Timberlake

County Records: Marion, Okaloosa, Pinellas

Perflo.gif (18039 bytes)

Locations: Ft. Walton Beach, Clearwater

Dates: May 19

Plant: Ilex glabra Mitchell also lists Leucothoe and Vaccinium

Note: North Carolina to Florida, April-May

Female: perflofemface.JPG (48064 bytes) perflofemface2.JPG (49628 bytes) perflofemfaceside.JPG (47766 bytes) perflofemlabrum.JPG (38885 bytes) perflofemwing.JPG (39934 bytes) perflofempronotumside.JPG (50341 bytes) perflofemscutum.JPG (56747 bytes) perflofempropodeum.JPG (56671 bytes) perflofemtergatop.JPG (50317 bytes) perflofemmesepisternum.JPG (51870 bytes) perflofemscopa.JPG (36728 bytes) perflofemscopa2.JPG (46444 bytes) perflofemscopa3.JPG (47996 bytes)

Male: perflomaleface.JPG (53264 bytes) perflomalefaceside.JPG (50898 bytes) perflomalelabrum.JPG (38031 bytes) perflomalemandible.JPG (48923 bytes) perflomaletongue.JPG (49562 bytes) perflomaletongue2.JPG (39467 bytes) perflomalewing.JPG (48013 bytes) perflomalewingclose.JPG (49524 bytes) perflomaleside.JPG (42107 bytes) perflomalescutum.JPG (54653 bytes) perflomalescutellum.JPG (60433 bytes) perflomaletergatop.JPG (49990 bytes) 


Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) mitchelli Timberlake

County Records: Bradford

Permit.gif (17659 bytes)


Dates: June; Mitchell lists June

Plant: Oxydendron arboreum, Mitchell: Ceonothus, Cyrilla

Notes: North Carolina-Florida-Mississippi, outer coastal plain probably.

Female: permitfemface.JPG (50449 bytes) permitfemfaceside.JPG (42381 bytes) permitfemmandible.JPG (46691 bytes) permitfemvertex.JPG (51506 bytes) permitfemwing.JPG (35089 bytes) permitfemwing2.JPG (36836 bytes) permitfemscutum.JPG (52911 bytes) permitfemscutellum.JPG (55359 bytes) permitfemtergatop.JPG (58283 bytes) permitfemtergaside.JPG (48718 bytes) permitfemmesepisternumside.JPG (44150 bytes) permitfempollenload.JPG (44111 bytes) 

Male: permitmaleface.JPG (47585 bytes) permitmalewing.JPG (35367 bytes) permitmaleside.JPG (40292 bytes) permitmaleterga.JPG (48948 bytes)


Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) novae-angllie Viereck

County Records: Levy

Pernov.gif (17839 bytes)


Dates: May 6

Plant: Mitchell lists Gaylussacia, Vaccinium, and Lyonia

Notes: Massachusetts to Florida, May-July. No photos available at this time.



Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) obscurata Cresson

County Records: Duval, Highlands, Orange

Perobs.gif (17860 bytes)

Locations: Jacksonville, Highlands Hammock, Orlando

Dates: June 7

Plant: Ilex cassine

Notes: Outer coastal plain species, New Jersey to N. Carolina to Texas, flies primarily in May, collected elsewhere on Diospyros, Stillingia, and Vaccinium arboreum, also Hydrocotyle

Female: perobsfemface.JPG (43780 bytes) perobsfemmandible.JPG (56882 bytes) perobsfemvertex.JPG (49096 bytes) perobsfemwing.JPG (32060 bytes) perobsfemwingclose.JPG (36376 bytes) perobsfemscutum.JPG (60656 bytes) perobsfempropodeum.JPG (65708 bytes) perobsfemtergatop.JPG (54353 bytes) perobsfempygidium.JPG (44084 bytes) perobsfemscopa.JPG (42643 bytes) perobsfemscopapollen.JPG (43342 bytes) 

Male: perobsmaleface.JPG (49520 bytes) perobsmalefaceside.JPG (44476 bytes) perobsmalemandible.JPG (50105 bytes) perobsmalevertex.JPG (53539 bytes) perobsmalewing.JPG (45550 bytes) perobsmalescutum.JPG (53505 bytes) perobsmalepropodeum.JPG (60311 bytes) perobsmaletergatop.JPG (46769 bytes) perobsmalepygidium.JPG (37106 bytes) perobsmalemesepisternumside.JPG (57119 bytes) perobsmalemesepisternumside2.JPG (60660 bytes) perobsmalescopa.JPG (48384 bytes) 



Andrenidae: Perdita (Alloperdita) townesi

County Records: Duval, Highlands, Orange, Volusia

Pertow.gif (17604 bytes)

Locations: Cassadega, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Highlands Hammock State Park; Orlando.

Dates: March 30-April 15; March:1, April: 1

Plant: Timberlake lists Ilex, Nyssa, Ceanothus, Diospyros, Vaccinium

Notes: Described in Timberlake; confused with P. bradleyi often.

Male: pertowmaleface.JPG (45411 bytes) pertowmalelabrum.JPG (43745 bytes) pertowmalevertex.JPG (47011 bytes) pertowmalevertex2.JPG (40598 bytes) pertowmalewing.JPG (38846 bytes) pertowmalescutum.JPG (47637 bytes) pertowmalepropodeum.JPG (59844 bytes) pertowmaletergatop.JPG (40837 bytes) pertowmaletergalast.JPG (43133 bytes) pertowmaleside.JPG (30516 bytes) pertowmalemesepisternumside.JPG (55283 bytes)