Key to Alloperdita. Modified from Mitchell and Timberlake.
-----Abdominal terga with conspicuous, transverse, yellowish maculae…2
-----Length of face somewhat exceeding distance between outer margin of eyes…4
----Similar to bradleyi and having well-developed face marks...P. townesi.
----Clypeus either entirely dark or with a very narrow, median, yellow line; pronotum without maculae; glossa and maxillae elongate….P. obscurata
----Face somewhat broader; lateral facial maculae extending narrowly along eye margin to level of antennae; pronotum with a pair of yellow maculae…P. floridensis
----Cheeks at most only slightly protuberant beneath…2
---At least the supraclypeal area in large part greenish…4
---Less completely yellow beneath level of antenna, lacking mesoplectus T-mark..P. bradleyi
----Face more elongate, its median length equal to or greater than width to outer margin of eyes; cheeks narrower than eyes…5
---Clypeus dark in large part, and face without yellow maculations….P. novae-angliae
County Records: Baker, Highlands
Locations: Glen St. Mary, Highlands Hammock
Dates: April 3
Plant: Prunus serotina, Mitchell lists Vaccinium, Crataegus, Ilex, Nyssa, Pyracantha, Sarracenia, and Hydrocotyle
Notes: New Jersey-Florida, March to May, closely resembles P. obscurata and P. townesi. P. bradleyi may occasionally lack the intercalary cell.
County Records: Marion, Okaloosa, Pinellas
Locations: Ft. Walton Beach, Clearwater
Dates: May 19
Plant: Ilex glabra Mitchell also lists Leucothoe and Vaccinium
Note: North Carolina to Florida, April-May
County Records: Bradford
Dates: June; Mitchell lists June
Plant: Oxydendron arboreum, Mitchell: Ceonothus, Cyrilla
Notes: North Carolina-Florida-Mississippi, outer coastal plain probably.
County Records: Levy
Dates: May 6
Plant: Mitchell lists Gaylussacia, Vaccinium, and Lyonia
Notes: Massachusetts to Florida, May-July. No photos available at this time.
County Records: Duval, Highlands, Orange
Locations: Jacksonville, Highlands Hammock, Orlando
Dates: June 7
Plant: Ilex cassine
Notes: Outer coastal plain species, New Jersey to N. Carolina to Texas, flies primarily in May, collected elsewhere on Diospyros, Stillingia, and Vaccinium arboreum, also Hydrocotyle
County Records: Duval, Highlands, Orange, Volusia
Locations: Cassadega, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Highlands Hammock State Park; Orlando.
Dates: March 30-April 15; March:1, April: 1
Plant: Timberlake lists Ilex, Nyssa, Ceanothus, Diospyros, Vaccinium
Notes: Described in Timberlake; confused with P. bradleyi often.