Two genera are found in Florida, Protandrena, subgenus Heterosarus, and Pseudopanurgus. Michener (2000) states that these are closely related and Pseudopanurgus might be considered a subgenus of Protandrena.
Punctation strong, punctures usually contiguous on some areas of thorax; omaulus sharp, at least dorsally; hind tibia with upper margin a strong, untoothed carina…Pseudopanurgus
Punctation well marked but punctures not contiguous to fine, weak; omaulus smoothly curved from lateral to anterior mesepisternal surfaces; hind tibia with upper margin at least at base carinate with teeth or serrate…Protandrena
Notes on using the Mitchell (1960) key. The species listed as under Pseudopanurgus are currently placed into several subgenera in the genus Protandrena (Subgenus Heterosarus, Metapsaenythia, Protandrena, and Pterosarus). Of the five Florida species, three are placed in Protandrena, subgenus Heterosarus and two are placed in the genus Pseudopanurgus. None are endemic to Florida. Two are spring flying and three are fall flying.
Dorsum of thorax without evident erect pubescence on scutum and scutellum (but fine hairs closely appressed)….2
Punctures of scutum more coarse and deep, to some degree separated in center of posterior half of disc, or those on scutellum more irregular and to some degree separated… P (Heterosarus). nebrascencis muesebecki
1. Scape to some degree maculated… P (Heterosarus). nebrascencis muesebecki
Scape entirely black…2
Scutum practically bare, hairs fine and closely appressed to surface of scutum… P (Heterosarus). pauper
County Records: none in FSCA
Dates: Flies in May
Notes: Both Mitchell and Timberlake mention this species as occurring in Florida. No photos are available at this time.
County Records: FSCA: Liberty, Leon
Dates: spring flying; May
Notes: Collects pollen especially from Ceonothus americanus (New Jersey Tea)
County Records: Leon
Dates: Fall flying (Sept.-Oct.)
1. Pleura very coarsely rugoso-punctate, the scutum with equally coarse and deep punctures, but these not crowded even though very close over entire disc..P. rugosus
Pleura and scutum much less coarsely sculptured...P. solidaginis
1. Supraclypeal area yellow at least in part.....P. solidaginis
Supraclypeal area usually entirely black, but sometimes with a narrow yellow border along clypeal suture....P. rugosus
County Records: Leon
Locations: Tall Timbers
Dates: Fall flying (Oct.)
Notes: new state record for Florida. Previously known from Georgia and Mississippi.
County Records: Leon (see map for P. rugosus above)
Locations: Tall Timbers
Dates: Fall flying (Oct.)
Notes: new state record for Florida. Previously known from Georgia and Mississippi.