B. Nguyen
Entomology & Nematology
University of Florida
1- Stoma narrow; esophagus without median bulb;
head with separate lips, labial edges
strongly cuticularized
or head with cirrated appendages anteriorly.................................2
Soma narrow; esophagus without
median bulb; but head not as above, female gonad
2- Head with separated lips, their edges strongly
cuticularized; cheilorhabdion not
cuticularized (Fig.
1-4) ........................................ TERATOCEPHALOIDEA
Head and lips not as above
but with 6 simple or cirrated bristles (Fig. 5-11);
cheilorhabdion prominent
..................................... CHAMBERSIELLOIDEA.........43
3- Esophagus cylindrical, not divided into different
parts... DRILONEMATOIDEA. ......7
Esophagus divided into
three parts: corpus, isthmus and basal bulb ..............................
4- Stoma narrow, structural parts equally cuticularized;
gonad, posterior to vulva,
reflexed twice........................................................CEPHALOBOIDEA....................8
Two families:
- Vulva
near anus ............................................................
family Metacrobelidae
Only one subfamily ...............................................................Metacrobelinae
Only one genus (Fig.
1) .............................................................Metacrobeles
- Vulva far from Cephalobidae...........8
Stoma not evenly cuticularized;
gonad posterior to vulva not reflexed twice ...................5
5- Mouth ventrally directed and bordered laterally
by membranous
fins, dorsally by truncate
appendage ............................ELAPHONEMATOIDEA
One family ..........................................................................Elaphonamatidae
One subfamily.......................................................................Elaphonematinae
One genus (Fig.2).......................................................................Elaphonema
Mouth not as above
6- Bursa present with very large ribs; spicules
absent (Fig. 3)......MYOLAIMOIDEA
One family ...............................................................................Myolaimidae
One subfamily ..........................................................................Myolaiminae
One genus (Fig.3).........................................................................Myolaimus
Bursa absent, sexual
papillae small; spicules present.. PANAGROLAIMOIDEA....28
FamilyOsstellidae or Drilonematidae
7- Stoma with rhabdions fused to form a tube projected
labial level; lips transformed
into 4 hooks (Fig. 4 ).....................................Osstellinae
One genus (Fig.4).............................................................................Osstella
Stoma absent; head region
rounded, smooth; lip normal (Fig. 5).......Drilocephalobinae
genus (Fig.5)..................................................................Drilocephalobus
Family Cephalobidae
8- Head with probolae.............................................................................................9
Head without probolae.......................................................................................10
9- Cephalic probolae large, longer than labial
(Fig. 7)............................................................................Kirjanoviinae..................11
Cephalic probolae small,
always shorter than labial probolae (Fig.10 )..Acrobelinae..12
10- Cheilostom and prostom wider and rhabdions
more heavily cuticularized than following
parts of stoma
(Fig.6 )...........................................................Panagrocephalinae
Only one genus
Only cheilostom
wider than other parts of stoma (Fig. ).............Cephalobinae.........25
11- (9) Six paddle-like (or ear-like) cephalic
probolae; post vulval sac absent
Three paddle-like cephalic probolae; post vulval present
Subfamily Acrobelinae
12)- Labial probolae furcate (Fig.10 )......................................................................13
Labial probolae
not furcate (Fig.17 )..................................................................20
13)- Labial probolae well cirrated (Fig.10 )..............................................................14
probolae not cirrated (Fig.11 )...............................................................15
14 (13)- Pointed flap-like cephalic probolae absent;
basal portion of labial probolae wollen,
projecting toward cephalic probolae (Fig.9)..............................Nothacrobeles
Nothacrobeles anterior region
(All SEM pictures in this key are from Sauer,
Pointed flap-like cephalic probolae present; basal portion of labial probolae
swollen (Fig.10)......................................................................Acrobeles
Acrobeles face view
15 (13)- Annules and longitudinal ridges forming
blocks all over the body
(Fig. )...............................................................................................16
Body without longitudinal ridges, or at most, only in neck region
16 (15)- Labial probolae with T- or Y-shaped terminus;
female tail
conical (Fig.11)....................................................................Stegelletina
Labial probolae with arcuate, fork-like terminus; female tail broadly rounded
18 (17)- Cephalic probolae with serrate cuticularized
borders (Fig.14)
Cephalic probolae without serrate borders..................................................19
19 (18)- Labial probolae very thin, hair-like,
Y- or T-shaped; head edges cuticularized as in
Teratocephalus (Fig.15).......................................................Ypsilonellus
Labial probolae fork-like; head edges not as above (Fig.16)........Acrobelophis
20 (12)- Body with plate-like segments (at least
in anterior part) (Fig. )........................21
Body without plate-like segments...................................................................22
21 (20)- Cephalic probolae long pointed; labial
probolae low (Fig.17)..............Scottnema
Cephalic probolae short, semicircular, lobe-like (Fig.18)...................Placodira
22 (20)- Cephalic probolae flap-like with dentate
projection at
base; notches between cephalic probolae deep; post vulvar sac absent
Zeldia face view
23 (22)- Female tail usually long, pointed; cephalic
probolae 3, setae-like; labial probolae low,
rounded (Fig.20).......
Tail short, bluntly rounded; cephalic probolae always lower than labial
24 (23)- Labial probolae, at least the dorsal
one, furcate; esophageal corpus almost cylindrical
Labial probolae low, rounded or conical, but never furcate; esophageal
corpus with
elongate, spindle-like swelling (Fig.22).....................................Acrobeloides
25 (10)- Head offset, notched; labial edges cuticularized
(as in Teratocephalus)
Head not offset and labial edges not as above.............................................26
26 (25)- Six lips sharply pointed and equal in
size (Fig.24).......................Eucephalobus
Three lips, never sharply pointed, asymmetrical........................................27
27 (26)- Tail bluntly rounded, sometimes with
mucron (Fig.25)....................Cephalobus
Tail slender, conoid, pointed (Fig.26)
Keys to Families, Subfamilies and Genera:
28 (6)- Stoma tubular, its cuticularized portion
at least twice as long as wide
(Fig. 27)...............................................................................................29
Stoma not tubular, its cuticularized portion about as long as wide
(Fig. 28, 29)......................................................Panagrolaimidae.....
29 (28)- Stoma very long and narrow; vulva at
mid body; postvulvar sac
Only one subfamily.....................................................Alirhabditinae
Only one genus (Fig.27)..................................................Alirhabditis
Stoma not very long, relatively wide; vulva near anus; postvulvar sac
Only one subfamily ...........................................Brevibuccinae......38
Family Panagrolaimidae:
30 (28)- Esophagus with bulb-like median swelling
(Fig.29 )....Tricephalobinae....33
Esophagus without bulb-like median swelling.............................................31
31 (30)- Promesostom short, metarhabdion with
several denticles; anterior end of spicula
usually hooked ventrally..............................................Panagrellinae......34
Promesostom well developed; anterior end of spicula not hooked..............32
32 (31)- Spicula S-shaped, slender (Fig. 28 )
Only one genus (Fig.28)........................................
Spicula not S-shaped, stouter ................................Panagrolaiminae
33 (30)- Distal end of ovary reflexed; postvulvar
sac absent; very
small nematodes (0.25-0.50 mm) (Fig.29)...........................Halicephalobus
Distal end of ovary usually passing anus, not reflexed; postvulvar sac
present; body
longer than 0.50 mm (Fig.30)............................................Tricephalobus
34 (31)- Spicules with bifid tips, proximally
knobbed often hooked
ventrally; postvulvar sac present (Fig.31)
Spicules with non-bifid tips, proximal end not hooked; postvulvar sac absent
35 (32)- Six lips divided by deep grooves, their
edges cuticularized.........................36
Labial region without deep grooves, their edges not cuticularized................37
36 (35)- Tail long, 7-8 times as long as anal
body widths; postvulvar sac absent
Tail shorter, 3 times as long as anal body widths; postvulvar sac present
37 (35)- Posterior end of corpus swollen as a
median bulb; pro- and mesorhabdions separated
Posterior end of corpus not swollen; pro- and mesostom fused to form a
Family Previbuccidae:
38 (29)- Body with sheath; inner cuticle with
longitudinal rows of pores; six lips separated by
deep grooves (Fig.37).......................................................Cuticonema
Not as above..............................................................................................39
39 (38)- Spicules unequal; female tail long, hair-like
Spicules equal; female tail shorter, not hair-like (conoid) (
One family: Teratocephalidae
40 (1)- Gonad single; amphids small, at beginning
of stoma: Teratocephalinae........41
Gonads paired; amphids large, behind stoma: Metateratocephalinae...........42
41 (40)- Cuticle with punctation; vulva at about
40% of body
Cuticle without punctation; vulva at about 65% of body
42 (40)- Head not offset with four fine setae;
esophagus, anterior to esophageal bulb,
with isthmus (Fig.42)............................................
Head well offset without setae; esophagus, anterior to esophageal bulb,
cylindrical (Fig.43)
............................................ Metateratocephalus
One family: Chambersiellidae
43 (1)- Cephalic setae with cirri (Fig. 44-46):
Cephalic setae without cirri: ........................Macrolaiminae.................46
44 (43)- Head with two lateral setae (Fig.44)
Head with 6 setae ...............................................................................45
45 (44)- Gonad single (Fig.45)...................................................Chambersiella
Gonads paired (Fig.46).
46 (43)- Gonad single ......................................................................................47
Gonads paired ....................................................................................48
47 (46)- Tail long, filiform (Fig.47)...........................................Macrolaimellus
Tail short, conical (Fig.48)...........................................Macrolaimus
48 (46)- Head with 6 cephalic setae and 6 smaller
subcephalic setae
Head with 6 cephalic setae only (Fig.50)..........................Diastolaimus