This document was constructed and
is maintained by KHUONG
and Nematology Department
University of Florida
Department of Entomology and Nematology at the University of Florida has
a major commitment to developing research, teaching, and extension programs
in nematology. This Department within the Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences seeks to improve the quality of a rapidly changing agricultural
economy by providing safe and effective methods for managing nematodes
and insects. These two groups of pests cause important losses to agricultural
food, feed and fiber crops, and problems in the urban landscape and environment.
In nematology, particular emphasis is placed on understanding the nematode
host plant relationships, nematode biology and ecology, the management
of plant parasitic nematodes on agricultural crops, and on the biological
control of insect pests by their nematode parasites. All aspects of the
science of nematology, however, may be studied. This includes plant-parasitic,
freeliving, marine, and animal parasitic nematodes.
Dolichodorus head
The Department of Entomology and Nematology offers unexcelled opportunities to study and conduct research in nematology. The University of Florida contains one of the largest concentrations of nematologists and nematology courses in the world. Degree programs (Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy) in nematology are available. Graduate student support is available in the form of research and teaching assistantships. For more information on graduate school application materials contact:
Graduate Coordinator
Department of Entomology and Nematology
Building 970, Hull road
P. O. Box 110620
Gainesville FL 32611-0620
nematode control guide
Spicules and gubernaculum of Steinernema feltiae
Root galls caused by Meloidogyne
This document was constructed and
is maintained by KHUONG
and Nematology Department
University of Florida